General Discussion

General Discussion3000+ games still Normal skill trash

3000+ games still Normal skill trash in General Discussion

    I'm normal skill trash who has been 2k since the beginning of my utter trash days. I recently started playing ranked again and keep going on and off depending on my network connection and power supply fidelity. Now, I'm trying to analyze only my solo ranked games and see where I stand with them.

    My main Dotabuff profile page says this:

    Game Mode / Matches / Winrate
    Normal MM /2,540 / 50.00%
    Ranked MM /1,161 / 54.87%

    This is what I got from console command: dota_game_account_debug

    solo_competitive_games_played: 637
    party_competitive_games_played: 480

    However, when I do a selective search in the 'Matches' segment of Dotabuff, I get this:

    Basically, the problem is, I have played over 600 solo ranked games, but the search shows only 91 games. Why is this? Do all games need to be analysed by Truesight to be able to search them this way?

    The oldest game that shows up is about 8 months old, but I am sure I played many solo ranked games before that (in fact, about 90% of them before than after). Am I doing the search wrong? Help out asap please!


    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Do all games need to be analysed by Truesight to be able to search them this way?



        Insert game played>mmr joke here


          8 months ago were the time the devs implemented the categorization of solo/party games for the first time
          So games before that is not categorized

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          doc joferlyn simp

            Great to see you managed your commas, was getting more annoying than shit grammar we see everyday/

            Question got answered by first reply, /thread.


              Actually @тenacity is incorrect, I believe. I just checked, and only 2 or 3 of those 91 matches are Truesight analyzed. @2k is life is correct, most likely. Makes more sense, but sadly, nothing we can do about it.

              @tru threeKay-goD I am a Grammar Nazi myself, but also Obsessive Compulsive. If I get a habit that involves repeating things or following sequences and sticking to a norm, its hard to get rid of. Right now, I'm typing with half the speed than I normally used to. Don't mind.


                Gitgud lul

                mr. rabbit

                  i found myself guys

                  Giff me Wingman

                    you basicially suffer from "My teams, internet, PC, keyboard, mouse, lag, delay, bug, cat, dog, friend, family, door, church, ball, poster, lunch, time, queue, valve, matchmaking, hero, skill, luck and tape's fault. "

                    It doesn't matter how much u play, how shitty ur stats are, how trashy you play, it's somehow someones/something elses fault in your oppinion. Making a thread about how to win is pointless.

                    This comment was edited
                    all role player

                      my deepest dark feel, well i have 1k hours in dota if im still not 5k after 500 hours play im stopping playing this dogshit game


                        I'm pretty sure you actually didn't even read the original post.

                        meteor hammer

                          if im still not 5k after 500 hours play im stopping playing this dogshit game

                          even with 60% winrate it takes 300 ranked games to go from 3.5k to 5k