General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 avg. player number

7.00 avg. player number in General Discussion

    Hello Guys,
    when 7.00 appeared I stopped playing Dota because they changed the game so much, I dont feel like playing Dota anymore, rather some other random MOBA.
    Now some months later I checked the average amount of players. You can look it up here:

    Can anyone confirm the link?

    I have also noticed that the player number dropped. I wonder if this big step was a smart move of valve, since many players quit. I also wonder, which players tend to quit rather. High-MMR or Low-MMR?

    What do you think?

    1striker vs world

      They lost approx 1.5 mio unique monthly users, but now it's rising again. I think the update was good, and more beginner friendly, they just need some better tutorials now.


        Yeah I also believe the game became way to easy. Therefore I could imagine that rather High-MMR players quit. I really would like to see some statistics about that.


          Most of the people I know who quit are the trash low mmr scrubs who can't adapt
          But yea, sample size

          зачем я начал поиск

            Dota is a very good game by gameplay and mechanics.

            The thing is, Dota is a very bad game by its matchmaking system and balancing. LoL is better in these aspects.

            Valve is to blame for these shortcomings.

            They could've made a queue, where you queue up with your lane and role pre-assigned, could've introduced bans for leaving like in CS: GO, remade the pointless MMR system into a more practical league system, etc.

            Hero balancing ia terrible, there it's as if they deliberately nerf to death (Alchemist, Nature's Prophet, Earth Spirit, Leshrac, Bloodseeker, etc.) certain heroes and overly buff other heroes (wtf is that post-7.00 Necrophos, Juggernaut, etc.)

            You get games, where it's just the 'pick the most broken shit no matter what' contest, games with poor players, due to lack of bans or proper leagues system, etc.

            Skill brackets need expansion, it doesn't make sense that everyone beyond 3800+ are VHS, where in fact they are all different and the whole 'Very High Skill' label fails to deliver to its expected player level most of the time.

            Valve does nothing about these important issues and forgoes them for treasure chests and compendiums, pointless rebalancing.


              Yeah your right, the MMR System is crap. Indeed I have to admit that the LOL System is better. Actually I dont understand why they didnt implement sth like that yet . They had enaugh time. But I dont believe this is the reason why ppl quit. Personally speaking I denied new Dota because they changed so much within one patch. It is a completely different game right now. Its not like they changed the map a little bit or implemented a single new hero. They created a whole new map and added shrines. WTF is this? This is a different game with same old heros right now. Wheather you like the new changes or not is some personal decision. Still I dont understand the intention behind this new patch. No one in the community asked for it. Why did they have to change it so excessive.


                Btw in my opinion the problem of current MMR-System is the possibility to buy accounts for little money. Already a few accountbuyers fuck up the whole system, but I guess there is no way to stop this.

                Livin' Real Good

                  1. Performance issues. I don't have problems anymore, but it was enough to make me stop playing for a month and a half.

                  I remember having 25-35 FPS on all settings, no matter what I put it on when 7.00 first hit, so i just left it on Max settings. When before i'd get 50-70 FPS max settings in 6.88. The problem kinda just fixed itself for me somehow (I get my old FPS again) but I know people are still having trouble running the game to the point they just stopped playing cause it's unbearable. I remember trying everything, watching reddit performance threads all the time, and checking Dota Dev just hoping they'd fix it. lol

                  2. It's different, people don't like different, at least not too much at once, so it took awhile for some people to appreciate the perks of 7.00.

                  3. The hud was atrocious at launch, now they fixed it, I actually think the current hud is way better than the old one whenever I watch old 6.88 videos.

                  This comment was edited

                    it was a beginners friendly update ...i think that's it's not low or high mmr players who left, it's those in the middle with about 3k who couldn't climb before and lost hope...there are also leavers who are pretty old-schooled players (dota1)

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!