General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Treant Protector?

How to play Treant Protector? in General Discussion

    I wanna git gud

    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

      Spam the living shit of that armor. Its a game changer skill


        click skills proceed to win


          buy aghanim scepter and carry items then ult and stun anyone who are in their jungle


            Dunno if I can help A 4k tho lol. im only 3.8 but I got 66% win rate on that hero with 4.0+KD, just fucking ZONE or kill enemy offlaner.if they got jungler. fuck with their jungler. well thats what I do mostly lol

            Hatsune Miku

              tango, oov, tp, 2 branch

              steal enemy carry bounty rune then tp out lol

              Von Darkmoor

                How do you zone with Tree ent?


                  I go tango, give 2 to mid, oov, and buy some support shit like courier or wards depending.
                  run to the offlane and take bounty rune, kill the carry trying to take it if I have help of my offlaner or sometimes mid.
                  then I stay in the offlane and try to kill the carry if I have an offlaner with a stun or someone aggressive like slardar, centaur, etc.
                  otherwise I roam bottom and try to set up kills there.
                  I like going tranquils cuz with that and the invis u move ridiculously fast, and u can regen in between ganks, I usually don't find the need for arcanes between wand and raindrops and shrines.
                  my skill build goes something like 1233343111(mana regen talent)222(gpm at 15,cd reduction at 20,block instances at 25)
                  occasionally if I'm going aggressive ill take an extra point in skill 1 but I think living armor is better.
                  I go something like wind lace, boots, wand, tranq, solar crest, aghs, by now the game is finished. I get midas if my timing isn't completely horrible like 30 min, but that's usually what happens cuz u can die while scouting a lot, I'm working on improving this. if ur doing rlly well midas into aghs is very legit, but I like solar crest way too much. with living armor on top u can make allies very hard to kill. its also rlly funny for pushing, cuz once the tower aggroes onto a creep u can living armor and solar crest it so it just wont die, and keep the tower pushed, works especially well considering the new tower armor changes. I usually don't go for blink cuz aghs fulfills that role basically but idk its still good. vlads aura is nice, greaves sometimes needed, lotus on top of solar and living armor can make someone impossible to initiate on, octarine refresher for ultra late game. Tree is my best support rn I haven't played him a fuckton, but ive never lost with him yet in 700 and especially in the new split pushy, kill towers fasty meta, healing them is quite strong.