General Discussion

General Discussionofflane heroes as safe lane supps

offlane heroes as safe lane supps in General Discussion

    Ive noticed that ppl in high mmr sometimes pick heroes which used to be offlaners as safe lane supps
    E.g. warlock, undying, phoenix...
    When it is better to pick this kind of hero as a safe lane sup rather than picking some classic supp like dazzle/disruptor/rubick... ?
    Blue stars pls

    Johnny Rico

      Cause they can win lanes


        warlock was never an offlane hero


          Undying tanky, warlock has heal and phoenix has escape.


            I rarely see Phoenix as support tbh. Warlock and Undying, on the other hand, are solid supports. Undying are super strong on lane and could zone offlaner hard (he harass support and carry hard in lane too as offlaner), Warlock offers sustainability as well as frequent harassment with fatal bond and shadow word

            Feelin' (Mighty Real)

              Phoenix support is the only thing Phoenix can do now but the problem is Phoenix fucking sucks

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!