General Discussion

General DiscussionFun and cool support heroes

Fun and cool support heroes in General Discussion

    I hate being support. every time i play support my team loses. lately i've realized that maybe it's because i don't like any support heroes. so now i want to learn 2 new support heroes and get really good at them. heroes need to be:
    - Fun to play
    - not very often seen in pubs, making him/her more unique and hence more lovable (E.g Oracle Visage etc)
    - not easy to play (these heroes usually make you feel cool if you know how to play them)
    - item dependent

    suggestions would be appreciated


      Bounty hunter or any roamer to be honest
      Trust me they won't expect their midlaner getting jerked 15 seconds into the match


        Jungle meepo #FuckSupporting


          Crystal meth

          doc joferlyn simp

            solo support lion only to have your safelane ck rush bfury manta abyssal and your sf dcs for 4 minutes and the enemy refuses to pause

            pretty good spam i might say



              Just DONT build Aether Lens (waste of an Item on Oracle).

              Take serious time to memorize what can be Dispelled, that's the only thing you should use your ult and Q for. The other of these effects are afterthoughts.

              If you play with that mindset every thing your looking for will be found.

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                ancient apparition, phoenix, earth spirit, mk

                doc joferlyn simp

                  5 enemy heroes with escape mechanisms that can be stopped by oracle Q are vacuumed --> welp no debuffs why would i Q
                  2 enemy heroes trying to escape through the sam way bcs they are trying to juke --> whoops no debuffs cant Q

                  silenced am teammate omnislashed with no manta on cd --> ayy no debuff on him why ult
                  lycan hitting ancient but enemies with no stuns are hitting him, he'll die first but if only he had a few more seconds he can destroy ancient first --> no debuff the fuck is my ult for

                  PRAISE THE SUN!

                    -im 5k party support player
                    usually what you want to look for are heroes than you can first pick without being countered hard
                    and also scale well from beginning to end of game
                    the best that fit this category are ground stunners that can't be blocked by linkens sphere

                    for this category:
                    leshrac (manaboots,wand,drums,euls, later a travels and octarine max ur stun and diabolic edict.
                    buy wards occasionally
                    works very well in 7.05)
                    nyx (midas, dagon or scepter)
                    treant (tranquil, orb of venom, blink dagger, solar crest)
                    venomancer (can farm jungle and is hard to shut down in farming, can be played greedy or lane support, hard to counter and can be a first or second draft pick)
                    support weaver is also cancer in patch 7.05, get blight stone treads wand and aquilla, then rush a scepter, the beetles remove 10 armor which is op, and can't be purged.

                    situational support pick:
                    zeus (soul ring tranquils occasionally warding), if enemy is weak to nukes or too many invis hate buying sents
                    slardar (build same as offlane but max your sprint)
                    wraith king (build him as a jungler, carry items, useful if enemy skills that only last upon death (weave armor, doom).)
                    WK is popular on some pro teams just for his aura (we can call it a semi support hero)
                    crystal maiden (pick this if your lineup has stunning tanks, like wraith king or sven, or u have an additional support hero with a stun)
                    used to counter enemies who don't usually rush bkb, but food if enemies are magic immune or can close gaps fast.
                    cm in this bracket usually goes for tranquils windlace bracer blink dagger then scepter or glimmer cape
                    Phoenix, used if the enemy has no one who can hit the egg, e.g. pudge, ogre magi, or slow moving melee heroes.
                    Typical items tranquil boots midas urn shivas
                    Chen (my favorite, tab q tab q are the gameplay buttons for chen) you pick chen if your allied heroes have high burst damage but have poor escape mechanisms upon initiating. (ta, puck)

                    utility support picks (also known as offlaners but primarily build support sustain items:)
                    dark seer, tidehunter

                    around 5k-6k:
                    This is where teamplay is better and you won't have players fighting for lanes or ruining line ups with junglers
                    some heroes here are
                    Earth Spirit (high in lockdown but due to constant nerfs damage is very subpar) really sucks as a solo support
                    Oracle, useful if enemies have too many debuffs (sucks pretty bad this patch abbadon does what he can but better)

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                    1-IceTea 🌟


                      around 5k-6k:
                      This is where teamplay is better and you won't have players fighting for lanes or ruining line ups with junglers

                      Hello u have 6K games but 4K mmr and u want to judges anything here?


                        Pretty sure mmr doesnt solve human issues like desire to pick core. Actually higher the mmr bigger the chance of hero spammers

                        Tommy Shelby

                          Fun : earth spirit, mk, riki, spirit breaker


                            Yes SB is fun all you need to do is charge on enemy midlaner and watch them babyrage and flame each other at min 5


                              rofl i actjally gotta try sb. even if i lose im not gonna tilt hard for it probably since all i did was press q and r ad right click rofl


                                I won with min 32 treads xd


                                  Sb is most fun and sand King. Venomancer is one of my fav. Semi supp. Mostly because you can farm faster in jungle like 5-6 min(faster if u went full greedy) lvl 6 with enough gold to buy aquila wards boots cour.
                                  Even in mid game you can fight and jungle and keep pace with the game. Very good for pub.
                                  Silencer is another hero that works well for me

                                  Play few and decide yourself.

                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                    Your normal skill, ogre Magie is Hard enough for you.


                                      Haha! Yep!


                                        mirana supp you can copy my build and insta win
                                        ;) you're welcome


                                          i mean u like mirana and it works out for u and it's cool but for someone like me who just sucks at throwing arrows and doesnt really like mirana it's not fun to play either. at the end of the day u gotta pick something u like

                                          Super Senko-san Time

                                            Since Axe and Jugg is meta, go learn Shadow Demon. Do the new build maxing astral and damage amplification. He's pretty fun if you manage to save a teammate from an Axe call or Jugg omnislash.

                                            Super Senko-san Time

                                              Or pick Winter Wyvern if you want to win. Just don't forget to buy your wind lace so you don't get annoyed with the shitty ms.


                                                roaming in general is so much fun, I don't mind playing support if I'm roaming, even retarded shit like roaming ck, as well as riki, bh, mk (tho I'm dogshit as mk roaming), and pudge, tree, etc.


                                                  Visage takes a ridiculous amount of micro skills but is #4 win rate in 5k+ bracket good support hero. Personally if I have to first pick I go sb or abaddon. Both have very few counters. Aba can be played as both support or core. All sb has to do is charge mid. Generally easy to tilt enemy team with that hero.

                                                  Edit: my personal favorite hero since I started playing has been Warlock he can also be played either core or support. Very rarely play core as it's not practical but I have when there is 3 support heroes on team. Try fighting a 15min aghs 25min refresher. It hurts.

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                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!