General Discussion

General Discussionwant to improve my drowranger gameplay

want to improve my drowranger gameplay in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    i feel i'm really good at the hero, i'm playing her like sigsing plays tuskar: first pick into 10000000% winrate
    i really want to get better at her since shes never been my signature hero
    any tips are nice
    i dont really care much about mmr when i play core, i just wanna feel that i'm playing well and i did my greatest NoKappa

    Player 404335202

      U shud have agha .. Phase and yasha by 20 mins .. Blink /sb situational ! Push towers .. Create spac .. What else ?


        learn csing on empth 1v0 lobby since her attack animation is garbage. take ur map awareness higher and splitpush without dying and join winnable fights at the right time. never just be walking around always do something from hitting jungle creeps to pushing empty lanes while enemy shown themself in map away fom you or rosh or group up wirh team for ganks against an enemy u have vision around him and dont see others there. idk just have higher game snese hero herself doesnt have a weird or specual thing to teach


          Dont go aghs without maelstrom btw

          Feelin' (Mighty Real)

            She is really not a good hero to play if your team isn't properly setup to protect her because she's one of the easiest heroes to kill especially if you don't land a good gust

            She is best during the laning stage because she has good harass with orb so I suggest you got to a bot game and just practice last hitting, open a server and just stay there for like an hour or 2 even, if you want, cuz her base damage is shit and her animation sucks so you need to adjust to it. After that you gotta force your team to stick together and take objectives and go where your team so they can watch your back otherwise you can die really really easily especially in lower levels where everyone picks heroes that are good for solo kills. If u wanna do things for yourself then you need mobility and commit 100% to split pushing and cleaning up cuz otherwise she's not good, you either go full 5 man 24/7 with your team or you force your enemy to split up by constantly threatening to kill their shit, basically anti mage but a lot harder

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              Not sure if she's a split push hero or a team fight death ball hero

              Feelin' (Mighty Real)

                the latter but she can do the former if you're really really good because of the nerf to tower armor and stuff


                  Give me how many tower did you take down in 10-20min (av)


                    Last time I played drow I died at min -1

                    i follow Jesus.

                      @fmlx usually depends on what lineup i'm running, if i got a team in my game i usually have a jungle and a roamer as well because they refused to support the pos1 first pick drow so i just pull creeps back and farm all day, but when i get a safe trilane i take all t2 in about 18~22 minutes, my t2 at minute 8 if their offlane do the right thing and abandon the lane. my drow games are pretty much slark games, either a huge 30-0-20 win or a 2-4-5 mild loss~win, no hard games

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