General Discussion



    so I'm new to dota2 after I last played dota 1 for almost 2years. btw don't mind the title HAHAHA, so I would like to ask opinions on how many games you should play during weekdays to GIT GUD/improve (during weekends I can play 10-15 games) lately during weekdays I can only play 2-3 doto games. just want help oinions so that I can get my rekting skills back.

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      Speechless with how there are still a people with "team hold me back" mindset.

      Oh and please rupture yourself, I hate BS picker no kappa.

      doc joferlyn simp

        find your mojo man. some players play better when they play periodically like 2-3 games a day every day. maintain their concentration better that way, so in the long term grind theyre gucci. some like it 5-7 games a day and they play like 3 or 4 days of the week. maybe they get better if they are immersed in that situation for consecutive games, and the first games are just like warmup

        then there are people who play like 10 games a day everyday. dunno about these people could be very retarded people who got time to spare or theyre pro players who needs daily practice to maintain and sharpen skills

        find out what works for you or hypes you for winning man. each of us got our own cup of tea

        doc joferlyn simp

          @HBNN how is he showing that he has the "team holding me back" mindset? hes literally saying hes a dogshit player now and asking for opinions to improve. are your neurons misfiring or do you lack them altogether

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


            white boy summer

              @HBNN did you even read the thread? you must be the kind of guy who takes everything seriously if u dont see that /s


                ^hahaha yah man @hbnn lul lul lul <3

                white boy summer

                  @lemme smash i play 6-7 games a day myself, yeah all those "retard" schoolkids who have time. i play more so i can improve rapidly with more heroes, although my winrate gone to shit after reaching 3k


                    Shit, I was judging this thread from its topic sorry.


                      xDDDD dont judge a book by its title, i mean thread


                        @hbnn its ok man, just checking who will get caught HAHA. ima type of sea player who just mutes team keep calm carry If i can. tips? from a a player like you.

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                          yo @op definitely check all the past 3 pages threads wont take u 5 mins and u'll find a lot of informative stuff


                            you could've at least put some effort into the shitpost


                              @cookie nope no effort but surely I can put some effort on your challenge and the cm one too xD


                                it took me 2-3 years to surpass 4k and im finally progressing onward... this is coming from someone who never played a moba or any game similar to dota 2.. ive put in a total of 4k hours.. totally worth


                                  do u even lift bro

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Your available play time is enough to make you git gud fast.

                                    Change your mindset from team hold you back to I will carry this 4 shit and 1v9 to win


                                      Die less


                                        @bws ya I really need to die less I don't get picked off by ganks even if most of the time there is no ward available no miss report. I just die in clashes I suck during clashes don't know who to hit first during clash im like a dogshit running around back n forth till my idiot ass gets taken down


                                          @iceTea I don't have that mindset that my team is holding me back cause logically if I am good is should be paired with good teammates as well so meaning if I'm with some monkeys I should be a monkey too imo. but as of now if im going to asses my self can't do 1v9 just new to dota2 just played under 200hours


                                            Play unfair bots until you learn how to play without relying on your teammates to some extent
                                            You're not going to learn much playing with 9 people clicking on enemy heroes for 40 minutes straight


                                              ^and could I use opendota aside from dota buff to check my progress? and is that site reliable..isssh?


                                                hey. are you diox??


                                                  diox saying he knows he's bad? u high m8


                                                    idk i find diox in every profile without picture and less games. im high i think


                                                      That this guy playing in whatever MMR hell isnt even able to win on bloodseeker shows how weak the hero is at the moment. He needs that bloodthirst nerf reverted or he will always be terrible. What sort of "carry" relies on waiting until the enemy team are all at 75% health before he starts getting damage. Compare to Jug or PA - they are always outputting their maximum damage regardless of the enemies health.

                                                      supp0rt picker

                                                        hi guy. Seem like me who play alot dota 1 before dota 2. I though i was good but when come to dota 2 everything change. Keep ur way to play on dota 1 will slow u down a lot because in dota 2 their are 100 setting that make people play better with right set. Learn quick cast is must . set specific key for special hero. use group key . etc ..... then watch pro play and pro analys. that a long way to improve dota 2.


                                                          "Change your mindset from team hold you back to I will carry this 4 shit and 1v9 to win" best advise ever.

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!