General Discussion

General Discussionfml i'm done supporting

fml i'm done supporting in General Discussion

    every single fucking game i'm with lvl 20-35 retarded team please stop selling account and making smurf it doesn't make you good you're trash and accept it mid is shit carry is shit every core i encounter is shit offlane shit jungle shit i'm shit

    Cancer Malaria

      stop playing es?


        when i stopped playing es all i had is a losing streak


          Just put things in perspective bro. You are gonna rage as support every other day but the truth of the matter is that CM for example has produced ~680MMR for you. Supports win games, period.


            @hoi_gr i don't get you but fml you can't make someone good by supporting if they're shit then accept the fact that they're shit even if you're 10k support you can't support stupid team mates


              i have no idea why wont you just try my CM.

              i can release a guide that works for 4-6k for dual offlane lich if you want, but it's gonna be way longer.

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                im lvl 25 u want play with me ?

                Story Time

                  cookie, are you up for another record breaking winningstreak attempt?


                    ^^ i dont want to play with you. i want to play with mia khalifa

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                        @cookie i can manage a better CM than your basic guide so thank you


                          can anybody just teach me how to carry please


                            jungle jungle , objectives objectives. im using 1-IceTea jungle playstyle to climb up on this fcking trench 1k


                              really and is that why i do this build and win at 5-5.5k and you can't at shitty 4k?

                              seriously, dont knock it before you try it.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                u cant be done with smth u didnt even begin to do

                                white boy summer

                                  cookie cm god with flat 50% wr


                                    @cookie yep it's a nice strat that controls the map and the players movement itself but you can't force someone who just keep jungling and solo killing people instead of pushing and winning the game


                                      after some X amount of kills they'll start wanting to push no matter how stupid they are.

                                      so just help them get those kills

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        I don't depends on other.
                                        I push alone,I start the war alone.
                                        But when I win, I share it with my teammate because I am a Champion.

                                        Today gentlemen, I am honored to coach you, more honored to take you onto the field of battle. There is another honor to be bestowed upon you, that is the answer that comes with that question
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        That's right and i need you to remember that all throughout this game, i will conquer what has not been conquered
                                        defeat will not be in my creed. I will belive what others have doubted. I will always andevor the prestige honor, and respect of my team. I have trained my mind and my body will follow
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win, but i will never surrender. Weakness will not be in my heart. I will look to my comrades, to those who have brought me into this world and thoses ho have trained me and i will draw strenght from them
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        I will gladly go out into the field of battle, and i will move, groove and do everything thaht I can do, and I will reach my field of battle by ane means at my disposal. And when I get there, I will arrive violently. I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it bleeding on the ground, beacause he cannot stop me.
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        To my side I have comrades, comrades that have been with me throught thick and thin, throught sacrifice, throught blood, through sweat, through tears. Nver will I let them fall. Never will I let them down and I will never leave an enemy behind, beacause our opponent does not know my heart.
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        No one will deny me, no one will defy me, and no one will tell me who and what I am and can be. Belivef wil change my world, it has moved continents and countries, and put man on the moon, and il will carry me through this battle.
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        Defeat, retreat those are not in my words, I don't understant those definitions, I don't understant when things go wrong, I don't understand mistakes, but I do understand this: I understand victory, and I undertsand never surrendering. NO matter how bad things go, my heart and my mind will carry my body when my linbs are too weak
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        Today will be that day, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now, right here, in your house, and in your home
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        History will remember me, and I will not have to worry about him being kind. I will define myself. I will write my own praises. And non one will tell me what I can and cannot be. I will never go home, not without giving everythiong I have got
                                        COZ WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !!!
                                        WHO AM I ? I'M A CHAMPION !!!!!

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                                          @cookie then i'll become better at supporting since i myself acknowledge my own mistakes and corrected them getting better is easy maybe I'll spam CM again but i feel bad winning an easy game


                                            @ice tea we get you go for the ancient that's why i try support heroes that can push

                                            also jdf8

                                              clearly i need to queue in sea to show u the power of lvl 27 gaming

                                              Savvy Cat

                                                i feel bad winning

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  @cookie i can manage a better CM than your basic guide so thank you

                                                  Looking at your games you literally have no clue have to play something as basic as jakiro let alone CM. The issue here is that you somehow exepct people to carry your heavyweight ass.

                                                  Cancer Malaria

                                                    started as a support, continue on to perfect your support plays man, rather than starting zero as carry. You're gonna have bad carrys in few games, but odds are you maintain good support every game.


                                                      @Danishblunt haven't said something like "I try support heroes that can push" I am merely practicing Jakiro I've never encountered people who even flamed me or blame because if they can't carry it I will tho wait wait wait let's not jump to a conclusion wherein me carrying the whole game nope I will carry my team to carry the game


                                                        @Cancer ikr even tho saying I'm quitting at supporting i just can't with a 2.8k carry play style


                                                          @Cookie I will try to give them that X amount of kills next time


                                                            Supporting is fun
                                                            You don't have to mute people to win without getting tilted while having some giggles with people you play with

                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                              @Nikki chill. Cookie is trying to stroke his ego. His guide is crap.

                                                              But if you stop supporting, more commends for me I guess o .o

                                                              If you see me, just pos 4, I'll go 5.


                                                                oh really, my guide is crap?

                                                                how is the mmr= games played thing going out for you?

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                                                                    But cookie you also have games played = mmr

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      supporting is life boi


                                                                        Yes supporting is the shit we'll leave alice stay at his braindead offlane a.k.a easier safelane


                                                                          that guide ain't crap mate it's good as it is it's actually like better than 80% people who plays CM

                                                                          Mr. Jin

                                                                            @cookie U haven't watch the 5 hr game where the Legion got 1k duel dmg and still not end the game.

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                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!