General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes with similar playstyle to anti-mage?

Heroes with similar playstyle to anti-mage? in General Discussion

    I have discovered recently that my proficiency in map awareness to split push, decent farm patterns, and acceptable last hitting have all resulted in me being able to play antimage well enough to carry most games (in the 1v9 sense).

    I was wondering what other heroes I can use that can also 1v9, in particular in reference to the skills I have above, or that have a similar play style to am. I don't mind what lane or position.

    I am aware that the meta is currently not anti-mage orientated. I am making this post to increase my hero pool and to pick other heroes when the game is particularly not am favoured.

    Tldr; any good suggestions for heroes that have a play style to anti mage that can 1v9?


    (3.5k mmr skill bracket)

    mr. rabbit

      alchemist/tinker i think? am is kinda unique honestly


        Morphling, TB, Naga are classic 1v9 hard carries.


          His bro, tb


            just go slark or pa it wrecks in normal skill


              The closest one i could think of id spectre or naga. Every hero in the game is unique


                What @Alpha Nerd said

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  QoP can blink blink also.

                  Edit : Saw the link below?Don't make me go midland a and rekt you with it.

                  This comment was edited

                    heroes who avoid fights until they farm their items, morph, naga, tb is not - could push towers with team just by cd on form

                    Ryan Gosling Fan

                      I think juggernaut has can be played like am


                        Morph is quite similar. In terms of mobility and ability to take towers. Tb kinda. But Tb farming style is more like naga, and he can push well w meta (so cd dependent) and he isn't exactly mobile.

                        I would say u can play storm like an am.


                          jugg hahaha. you can go to the traditional bf build


                            Yes slark wreaks havoc at normal skill. Tried it. Easy wins.

                            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                              morph kinda has the same playstyle, farm for a while then just split push

                              Erase Humanity

                                Naga, Juggernaut, Slark, Morphling, Lycan, Weaver, Lifestealer
                                No to Terror because he doesn't have any scape mechanism. No to spectre because she is a perfect ganker/team fighter.


                                  slark's playstyle could not be more different from antimage's

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    faceless void old school build basically the same tbh
                                    farm 24/7 and win eventually