General Discussion

General DiscussionMagic dmg gyro because why not

Magic dmg gyro because why not in General Discussion

    I'll cut off the people who will say it in advance: NORMAL SKILL, NO RIGHT TO SPEAK

    Ok, now that's done with. I've been experimenting with a magic damage build Gyrocopter. 4-5 games so far, only 1 loss among them. Predominantly taking it mid lane, when we have a physical dmg hard carry(PA, TB, AM, etc) so that I don't have to share farm, rather be more proactive. Veil(immediately start fighting/ganking here), Aether, Maelstrom, turned into Mjollnir, after AGHANIM'S. Then later on, Octarine, Dagon, MKB, whatever floats your boat on the lines of magic dmg. Finish up w moon shard and BoT, yada yada. Lvl 10 talent +6% spell amp, lvl 20 talent -20% cd reduction, lvl 25 choose between the flak or homing missle charges, personally i get the 3 charges. Max 1st and 2nd, i ignore flak until lvl 11.
    Why aghs? Extra procs for mjollnir. Can be underestimated by the enemy team. Probably more cost efficient to get a moon shard, but I find success in the aghs more.
    If you get the timings right, you can win early teamfights and snowball from there.
    Not to be tried with Lifestealer/Jugg in the enemy team

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      But 250 Health for a ranged at lvl 10 Arggggghhhh

      Story Time

        I'll cut off the people who will say it in advance: NORMAL SKILL, NO RIGHT TO SPEAK


          @Cheap Laugh Guy yeah that's actually a huge flaw in this build. He needs to be in the middle of the fight to wreck everyone with the rocket barrage, but he's way too squishy to do so.
          Come to think of it, doesn't normal hard carry gyro also suffer the same problem of being a middle-of-the-fight carry, w/o the tankiness to do so? At least that one has been solved by the added health at lvl10. This one, you also need it, but for this build to pay off you need the spell amp(people REALLY underestimate the chain lightning, and don't realize it is augmented by spell amp)

          1-IceTea 🌟

            It's old and you are NS yourself.....

            doc joferlyn simp

              ^i mean hes making fun of mmr eltists by syaing what they would normally say if the would ever post on this thread


                @1-IceTea that's what I meant haha, I knew that people would check my profile, see normal skill, and say my thoughts don't matter xD
                As for old, maybe the concept has been around, I've seen a game or 2, but the viability has never been there until introduction of spell amp, CD reduction, and talents. Plus aghs.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  I knew that people would check my profile, see normal skill, and say my thoughts don't matter

                  Nah I am not that kind of player,I only build 1 Blink out of 30games of ursa (roughtly there) and I am open to any build.

                  I only see weather it's legit or no,and generally Gyro is not very legit now at least imo.Too many AEO magic is better then him,his advantage is physical AOE dmg+some magical skill.
                  Magic Gyro might be good but only in some specific line up

                  GRANT MACDONALD

                    Go full support Move speed Gyro with talent, sny, euls and you turn into a ferrari

                    Savvy Cat

                      I prefer either Veil or Aether. Never both as they fulfill very similar roles for the most part. HP regen, mana pool, magic amp. Every core needs some form of regen: HotD, Morbid (and its variants), Aether, Hood, Veil, Urn, Tranqs, Vanguard, anything that goes with Ring of Health on late game cores, Mek. Its pretty adjustable on different positions, but I think every hero you play needs either one, or the other. Rarely would I suggest two of these in the same inventory until later on; and that would be only one position 2 cores and up. But that's me. Aside from that, I really love magical Gyro.

                      I got into it watching Purge do it in a similar manner.

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