General Discussion

General Discussionis it just me

is it just me in General Discussion
Impulsive 3k addict.

    I cannot on the life of me get my team to deathball/smoke in 3k. I can ask a team over 15 times and they wont do it.

    I just got out of a game where, as I was literally typing "gee wiz it sure would be a shame if this retard pa overextended and allowed the enemy to force a bad fight", she did just that.

    Im too tilted to even bother with team strats now. It feels like a waste of 35 minutes of my life. But I dont understand why the enemy team always deathballs and mine doesnt. I can provide a lot of demo evidence for this from my skywrath games.

    I legit think trying to force a push strat reverse tilts the enemy team when my own team always is stuck with their thumbs up their butts.

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    1-IceTea 🌟

      I jungle->I solo pick off->I solo push and rat while enemies busy fighting ->I won


        ^licetea dude can u teach me your jungle skills and pushing I want to be enlightened.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.
          frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid.
          "she scraped the ice off the windscreen"
          synonyms: frozen water;


            I feel you. More often than not I will call for a smoke and my teammates will be non-responsive. I often get triggered because no one will buy smoke at all.


              why on earth are you trying to play as a team in 3k, just play solo


                This is me in a nutshell. Normally teammates realise that its a good idea to smoke up and kill the alch in jungle, but then they will farm in an attempt to outfarm the alch (???) instead of taking towers

                Lately i had a game where enemy team had AM, Alch , spectre and some other cores, we had 2 supports.

                for the love of god for 20 minutes i tried to get all 5 together and just push down one lane.

                Even at minute 30 we could have ended easily when my team finally went as 5.
                2 times in a row spectre was splitpushing a tower, one of my dudes TP'ed back, spectre uses ult et voila, 4v5. I told them not go back.


                  Play solo
                  Pick slardar or BH
                  Press R
                  Win games


                    Who the fuck gets scared by spectre's splitpush anyway
                    It's like getting scared of 5 manning against AM at minute 15


                      "gee wiz it sure would be a shame if this retard pa overextended and allowed the enemy to force a bad fight"

                      try googling 'passive aggressive' and then think about why your leadership skills are shit....