General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick and Easy Tip on Lifestealer

Quick and Easy Tip on Lifestealer in General Discussion

    You can use Open Wounds on a Neutral Creep - hit it with Iron Talon and get a good burst of health early game. :D


      I'm a 1k lifestealer
      Such tip wont save me from turning on armlet and lose 50% of my hp for nothing


        you can also just attack it. That works to


          @bws I was about to tell you that I was 1k and I didnt do that but then I remembered that I'm actually 9k and my teammates are just holding me back. Lol


            I can still shit on you with lifestealer
            I can just build him like antimage


              👌best lifestealer👌next level👌armlet toggles👌agressive👌efficient👌


                but can you beat my right click carry bounty hunter


                  👌best luna👌next level👌deathball👌rax destroyer👌agressive👌efficient👌sick farm patterns👌sick teamfighter👌


                    thats actually a good tip
                    but no one going ls jungle sry its insta lose

                    casual gamer

                      low hp at 25 minutes? use open wounds on an ancient creep


                        active from iron talon heals u during open wounds? wooooooahhh, didnt knew that..
                        also agree with the Katz, ls is a shitty jungler... he can jungle, but not fast..

                        This comment was edited
                        Dire Wolf

                          eh he jungles as fast as a lot of other garbage people run jungle like wraith king


                            Not even a tip just for jungling. Just a useful tip all around.


                              U can bloodrage self then iron talon to deal more dmg with iron talon too.


                                ^obv not a ls trick, but an iron talon one


                                  just use midas with open wounds, stupidly easier


                                    Quick tip from me after or before picking ls spam suggested slardar


                                      I also have tip. You can infest Riki and the enemy won't see you coming

                                      Optimus Drip

                                        Or, you can feed a pudge for 40 minutes, have your team help you. Get a blink , linkens, and bkb. Free hp bag whenever u need it.

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          if youre low hp midgame go open wounds a big creep and infest in and out of it

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            Lifestealer is wk on steroids, pretty easy hero, but try to combo with blink carriers