General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing midas on WK every game

Going midas on WK every game in General Discussion

    Could it be good?


      Im just a ns retard but I think it would depend on how your laning phase is going maybe? You can start out with the gloves of haste and if you are having an easy time and think you can get it relatively quick then why not? Although I dont make it cause I start playing aggressive with the hero after treads armlet but then I also am NS and you is pro Vhs lul.


        Its nice because it gives attack speed which WK needs and it lets you level faster to get to the lvl 2-3 ult where the cooldown isn't super long.
        Its also not nice because WK is a carry who is good at fighting early and midas negates that strength.
        So I'd say its situationally good in some specific games.


          Super good on WK. One of the best carries to get it on

          Don't start with gloves of haste though. That's some nub stuff


            if you can get it at 5-6 minutes why not? tho it takes you approx 22 midas uses or 36 minutes to make it up for the midas cost well attack speed is nice and it raises your gpm a bit


              17 minutes* tho it's worth it if you get it as early as you can with x2.5 xp with midas is good


                Midas on wk is not very good cuz the playstyle of this hero is not farming or splitpushing. As earlier u get ur pt, armlet and bm as higher the chance that ur team will dominate by min 20-25. U r a tank-carry-initiator and that is perfect for early-midgame fights And later on, even if u suck or the enemy team sux or neithere of the teams dominate u anyway get ur Mjollnir which quickens ur farm much. I never go for midas on wk cuz if I want to afk farm i'd rather pick am, while WK is a hero designed to gather the team and rek enemy faces


                  About AS. Yes, WK lacks attack speed but u already attack pretty fast (i mean to deal good dmg on the early stage) with PT + Armlet.


                    I forgot to say. On jungling WK midas is a go-to item in literally every game and there r 2 items that are followed later. These are radiance or bloodthorn (choose between). U get them with and without midas at the same minutes, thats why every jungling wk must buy midas


                      Invoker is a fighting hero that requires XP and doesnt have amazing inate farming ability
                      Phoenix is a fighting hero that requires XP and doesnt have amazing inate farming ability
                      Warlock is a fighting hero that requires XP and doesnt have amazing inate farming ability
                      AA is a fighting hero that requires XP and doesnt have amazing inate farming ability
                      Is WK a fighting hero that requires XP and doesnt have amazing inate farming ability? :thinking:
                      Also did you just seriously suggest WK jungle midas, I hope you're joking
                      You're already ruining the lane 5v4 and by eating the jungle (not to mention you're fucking up the plan B for your pos 1 and 2 if they got shat on lane), and you suggest to go midas and do that thing for 15 mins str8 instead of 10 or less




                        casual gamer

                          no u wanna make shit happen in 99% games so u want fast armlt or blink to make shit happen

                          i think midas is a garbage item on most heroes and people overbuy it because they love being greedy and dont understand how ur basically putting ur team at a 2k nw disadvantage to get some extra xp which is awful especially when ur already playing a 4v5 because some ape picked AA where they could jsut buy a fighting item and get xp from winning the game


                            In low 4k seems like people cant punish midas, iv got 4/4 so far since trying it out. Im picking wk when its suitable tho, but still. You just get level 12 /18 so fast.