General Discussion

General DiscussionMagic Damage Gyro

Magic Damage Gyro in General Discussion

    Gyro sucks so lets change it up.
    Phase > veil > dlance > bkb (if needed i feel like you ideally want to greed it out and avoid it but i feel like often times its needed on gyro) > pike > maelstrom > aghs > mjollnir > eblade or shivas

    The other idea was getting tanky and build radiance for shits and giggles.
    Veil > dlance > bkb (same deal) > radiance > pike > octarine > shivas or eblade

    Which is better meme, and which is better in game?


      Buy aghanims and realise this hero isn't too terrible anymore, just have to find a way to get there consistently without killing yourself from the horrendous buildup.


        The aghs build is the best for farming only u have to use ur previously miserable farming speed to buy aghs and maelstrom. Its just awkward.


          Either way this is abt the meme

          Player 123655765


            basement :)

              Are you still thirsty?


                Yes i am.


                  The aghs is for mjollnir procs. Them procs be amped by veil and shit soo....


                    veil mael aghs

                    Ryan Gosling Fan

                      Why dont just play normal gyro? Phase s&y rapier Bkb

                      Johnny Salami

                        Eblade dagon gyro copter


                          Coz gyro was nerfed and changed and "normal" has 40% winrate

                          BSJ. LGD

                            gyro sucks guys just play sf

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