General Discussion

General DiscussionNobody has calibrated above 5.5 mmr!

Nobody has calibrated above 5.5 mmr! in General Discussion

    During the first day when valve has added ranked matchmaking, and added a leaderboard to all region, I remember that the highest mmr in all region were 5k. And some were just grinded i think. No 6k yet during that time. They just grinded up to 6k and now to 9k. Am I right?


      yes there were lots of people, limitations were intruduced waaaay later.

      but on the literal first day on ranked it was broken and actually placed people UNDER the proper bracket

      some even calibrated negative mmr

      casual gamer

        i think there was a short period of time where people could calibrate retardedly high


          So it is possible that if you have cAlibrated above 4k then you can consider yourself as a good player however, you are not as good as the other players who grinded up to 7-8k. I imagined how hard to climb fron 4k to 7k. Im ns but i understand the struggle of a player if you want to raise ur mmr.

          4pos pudge/grim only

            they say miracle was calibrated at 5.2k. idk the validity of the story tho


              Yes it takes hardwork to reach high MMR
              Why do you think 6k+ is impressive in the first place


                EGM of alliance is a support player, during his calibration he played support heroes then calibrated at 3k. I heard that at reddit. I dunno if that was his smurf or main.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Negative mmr lul