General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is monkey king pickrate dropping???

Why is monkey king pickrate dropping??? in General Discussion

    The title


      kappa or actually wondering?

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        People got bored of instant king after several weeks, and others learned how to play against the hero. All heroes are "broken" when they are introduced, because nobody knows what to do with them and they are picked a lot

        Pale Mannie

          why did people stop picking arc warden/pitlord weeks after release

          Pale Mannie

            same thing


              About time


                Finally good news.


                  Really, makes you think :thinking:

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Asking this question is like wondering why a new heroes pick rate is so high when released day 1.

                    The Medic Guy

                      because when monkey king fr

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                        because he isn't new anymore, people learned to play against/with him


                          why is monkey king's pick rate dropping? Its not dropping fast enough... it had to drop like 1-2 weeks ago but he still gets picked alot despite that. Monkey still is second most pick hero these days with %36 pickrate. So i think this a kappa post he can't be serious -.-

                          This hero is released 3 weeks ago but still has more matches then other new heroes and more than half of chens matches played. And remember, chen is relesed in 2004(DotA) - 2011 (doto2)

                          your question should've been: Why do people still pick monkey king????

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                            But I believe this is different because arc warden and pitlord took some good skills to play but monkey king was relatively easy to play at least compared to other new heroes


                              Monkey is fairly easy to play, he can snowball and get lots of kills which always makes a hero popular (Look at Pudge and PA pickrates) and people are under the misconception that he is Overpowered which makes some people spam him in order to try win more. So his pickrate will probably never drop as much as Arc and Underlord's did because he fits that role of a snowballing core which is the most popular type of hero generally.


                                ^tru dat

                                Flaccid Jake

                                  "People got bored of instant king after several weeks, and others learned how to play against the hero. All heroes are "broken" when they are introduced, because nobody knows what to do with them and they are picked a lot"

                                  While this is true, Ice Frog does enjoy releasing OP heroes. Remember Slark, AA, Phoenix, and Tusk at release?


                                    ^ ooh i membeer


                                      well yes most heroes at their release are strong to encourage people to play them and also because icefrog cant think of every interaction and how to balance it so someone almost always will find a way to abuse the hero


                                        Because he is a bad late game hero and most pubs can't take advantage of his early game dominance.

                                        His ultimate is frankly very situational and makes him a flawed team fight hero if not used correctly. it just doesn't synergize with his kit. So many monkeys buy SB to invis while they are ulting which is just so fucking bad honestly.

                                        Thats my take. Great early and mid game ganker that is generally shit at team fights if the enemy team is even remotely competent and ready to counter him.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!