General Discussion

General Discussionstill getting newbies in match making

still getting newbies in match making in General Discussion

    I got this account from my cousin he was newbiee but i played 30 matches on this account but still i get newbies in my team or enemy team .Even though i dominate all matches but i get avg 500 mmr guys and game is always 1v9 .What should I do?? should i party with high mmr friends???


      You'll get "newbies" across all skill brackets. Everyone has bad games.
      Also, it might help to ditch the "team sucks" attitude that many players seem to have.


        Try to avoid morning games. Damn, I have a lot of guys who are playing bad. And they are not retards or something its just their reaction is so slow. They don't press buttons and say 'sorry I just woke up :C'. And it's kinda true since first game of the day is the hardest. And yeah there is some luck involved in RMM.


          @pig dude they leave after feeding and my games become "safe to leave" which effects my kda and overall performance .Most of them are uncooperative and unwilling to learn anything and rushing sny on many heroes and following outdated 2012 guides .I played meepo in one game Mk fed 20 times and leave i gave too much space to Am and pa on my team they were like 2-3-4 by 30 minutes but still no battlefuriies and Am bought 2 moonshards instead of getting damage items and my xpm went from 900 to 430 real quick .


            time to make a new smurf mate


              On sea I get pinoys and indos parties and they just feed and leave .On dubai i have to wait 10-15minutes to get match.I cant spam meepo because they all come mid or feed way faster than my speed of farming .I m buying wards and courier as a courier player.


                Making new smurf is a bad idea because it would take alot of time even though i got smurf with few matches of VHs .This account is trophy lvl 15 so i wanna calibrate some decent mmr. Something around 2.5k or above would be fine but now it seems impossible .I can climb mmr easily and did that many times .But this account is making me mad because every single game there are 9 newbies and 9v1 all the time.


                  dominate all matches but i get avg 500 mmr guys



                    If you were actually stomping them then the acc wouldve been already in VHS


                      Road to Very High... 6 days ago
                      Racist WOLF 7 days ago
                      Puccy destroyer 13 days ago

                      Should we treat you seriously?


                        ayy lmao Every smurf name ever.


                          Can't compare them to the legendary Melissa though good shit.