General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to earthshaker

How to earthshaker in General Discussion
Jamie Lorman

    Hi, I'm quite new to dota, and am looking to spam this hero. Any tips on how to play him in 7.0?

    In my pub games so far I been running him off lane. Usually this starts with a team mate alongside me, but they typically begin to roam as the enemies short lane seems to be a tri lane most games, so our dual lane just gets crushed.

    Usually I can solo without feeding, soaking exp. should I be doing this, looking to rush blink, or is the meta in 7.0 to just get active earlier?

    I also notice post laning that my team just pubtrains around the map, despite what seems to be a superior late game lineup, often with our short lane pushed to our tower, farm sitting there for us not being taken. In my mind it seems dumb for us to be taken fights, so I will go capture that farm, but I'm not sure if that is the right decision.

    Again, I'm very new to this game - probs around 60 games played across 2 accounts, stretched over 2 or 3 years. I'm returning from a long hiatus as well, so very new to the 7.0 changes also. Mechanically I'm fine as I'm also a hon player, but the meta and the flow of the game are very different, so that's where I need help.

    Also, skill wise I feel a little over my head. I'm in unranked, but usually players showing their ranked mmr are around 4K to 5k. i feel like a retard as I don't have a very good understanding of the game or even the heroes yet, but probably should by that rating.

    Any tips - earthshaker or just general game tips - appreciated.


      Earthshaker can't carry for shit. If you think you are efficient enough in farming pick a farming core that has decent late-game but can also be active mid-game so enemy team doesn't just stomp all of you because they were 4v5ing and you were farming. You'd get LPQ for sure. Farm and carry the game.

      Or perhaps you would want to 5v5 with your team if they run around the map. Storm Spirit, SF, and SK are all great heroes for this purpose. Once they get their core items their power spikes dramatically, quite more so than other heroes. That Bloodstone on Storm or Blink Dagger on SK opens up windows of opportunities in which you can dictate the pace of the game according to what your team is trying to accomplish.


        Im sure its a smurf


          Offlane = tranquil, soul ring, dagger, force staff, next is situational
          Support = arcane, dagger, maybe mekansm, maybe forcestaff, rest is situational
          Don't farm with him too much, he falls off like a brick and is amazing only at the first 25 minutes or so, if you play him offlane, treat him like a dark seer, utility space creating hero that roams around the map helping other heroes out and try to land your skills on alot of heroes near your teammates to follow up


            @fx I'm damn sure he's not
            From his recent games I see lack of experience


              I'm no means a good earthshaker player but from how I see others and pro players play him, he's pretty level and item independent so that's a plus but sometime, you'd really want a positioning item. Your job is to setup and initiate and/or to deal as much damage in a short amount of time and let your team do the rest to finish the others off. Like what Haffy said, he can't carry, as much as people like to go for that gimmicky super damage Echant Totem build. You're better off being a utility such as getting aura items and items that can benefit your team.

              casual gamer

                dont listen to anyone on this forum go watch high mmr and pro player replay

                rice cake

                  the only thing to remember when playing earthshaker is a good fissure. good fissure good game. (blocking, saving allies, etc) the items and dagger come with the good fissures.


                    Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                      Yeah focus on placing your fissures in the right place also, your ult is very important, a 5man echo slam is a game changer.

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