General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming pubs in 4k to be as good as one ?

Spamming pubs in 4k to be as good as one ? in General Discussion

    Hi guys ! Apparently my friend has just gave me his 4k acc because hes done with school and hes about to head to college and stuff like that. I am about 2k. I know the basic mechanics of the game. Would I be able to be as good as a 4k overtime by playing pubs until I do well ? The reason I will be playing pubs is because I would jeopardise my teams chances of winning in a rank with my ' not as good' skill. If you could please highlight ways for me to improve and adjust as a 4k player.


      Just play dem pubs and adapt
      You'll learn things eventually

      This comment was edited
      Fee Too Pee

        play pub with that account. u will see kinda difference between 2k pub and 4k pub. do not play ranked u will ruin people matches.

        support in 4k playing a BIG role
        support more relevant and have a big impact in roaming

        learn how to rotate as support and actually supporting is a good thing to learn


          a 2k player cant be as good as a 4k player overnight, If you truly want to adjust and improve it's gonna take some time
          The fastest way to improve is watching replays of pro players or your own. Figure out what mistakes you do and how you can do better
          If you're watching pros, see how many lh they get at a certain time, watch and ponder on their item and skill builds


            Please don't ruin the games of legit 4ks. Trust me, a 2k has way too much to learn to not ruin 4k games, even 3k. You'll be confused, you won't know how to have impact, even if you don't feed your team will be mad that you're useless and doing everything wrong.

            The other games, you'll feed relentlessly and you'll lose hundreds of mmr with only 1 win. I don't see how you'll learn anything by going 1 - 16 every game.


              40% wr 2k wtf

              doc joferlyn simp

                you dont have to be that versatile; i suggest you focus on a particular role with a very small pool of heroes. maybe support/offlane with ogre/slardar/omni/clock or mid/safelane with slark/jugg/pa

                choose heroes with a similar playstyle and power spikes, lets you get the feel of a game. keep in mind though that itemization and skill build is not necessarily the same each game, you keep that power spikes in mind so that depending on the draft you know what you should be doing. pressure enemy carry? farm? 4v5 while allied am farms whole map? 5 man down mid while their spec is still farming for the relic? just try and communicate your ideas to your team, you might get feedback. in this regard aus server is the best for comm, anything outside of that server is just shit

                good thing you thought to play pubs first, you are doing a favor to every legit 4k tryna climb by not ruining matches. best of luck to ya


                  play some games as support first. my best role is usually support/roaming and ive played a lot of different mmrs, but what ive noticed low mmr supports do is babysit wayy too much or they dont pull and just leech xp.

                  what you could do is pick ogre and stand between the offlaner and the creeps, it doesnt matter if they are 10k mmr, they wont win trades with you, and its almost impossible to mess up as ogre, just stick with your team and carry tps.

                  if people are flaming you, dont take it too seriously, many people in this bracket are absolute idiots.


                    Hey guys, I am pretty happy that I have received such help in a matter of hours. I understand that its gonna take time and stuff. Infact the only thing I play in pubs now is support and most players appreciate my supporting in terms of warding, saving allies etc. Though I have to work on rotations and so on. I always get amazed on how the enemy carrys that are about 0-6 early to mid game comeback to win without the help of his/her allies. Anything like that in 2k is non-existent. Thanks for wishing me luck and thanks for the help ! :)


                      everyone in 4k is borderline retarded
                      it's easy to win if you can keep the mentality up


                        U can try by playing support, your fall will be slower to 2k

                        Possibly you might learn something

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