General Discussion

General DiscussionIs using ursa to climb from 3.2 k to 4 k a good choice?

Is using ursa to climb from 3.2 k to 4 k a good choice? in General Discussion

    I want to know if i spam ursa is it gonna be of any help ?
    What should i do late game when i dont scale very good like a hard carry and become a semi?

    King Dave

      If you are good enough, you can spam CM and get from 3k to 4k - Sun Tzu

      casual gamer

        if you can play ursa as well as dedicated ursa abusers 90% winrate is probably possible

        idk if vroksnak picks ursa in solo queue or only with wisp but he has 75% winrate in 6k "bracket"


          Hi JDF8 was looking for u for a long time thank you for the advise on jugg and kunka that now iam on 3.2 k from 2.6 :)
          And pls check my ursa for any advice if u have some time JDF8 :)
          Coz i was gonna spam medusa but then it become difficult at times in sea server coz till the time dusa is gonna get effective in game the game is already a mess and to come back is difficult thats why i want to pressure emey team coz i think i got a good hold on ursa pls check and guide ty :)

          casual gamer

            i can look over some of ur replays later (im at work) but i usually go mom + raindrop instead of vlad because you farm way faster and if you win a fight you can chase down stragglers easily


              Ok bro add me if u can later and pls guide me when y free :) ya i have thought of mom many a times but i fall short of mana coz i have a habbit of using over power quite often...


                I know rain drop will provide me some mana genration but then what when its over due to getting nuke what u do after that?

                casual gamer

                  i dont play ursa enough to answer that question

                  but i think by the time raindrop wears off you have more mana and also ur teammates have arcanes + you end up tping to base or popping aegis

                  if u have mom you can use that to farm instead of overpower if you are low on mana

                  a lot of ursa players used to go hex also, which is infinite mana

                  casual gamer

                    make sure ur killing ancient camps with this hero. theyre worth a fuckton of gold. im pretty sure ive seen people go dominator just to stack them because ursa does massive damage and can clear small stacks with minimal difficulty


                      Hmm yes well noted mom just needs 25 mana where iver power i guess needs 75 so its a wise decision will try..
                      Thank you :)
                      But do watch the replay if u can it will be a big help ty :)


                        Ursa super easy to get tons of kills. But hard to push with the hero.


                          Yup mom a better farming tool and yes i do take ancients whenever possible :)
                          Will skip vlads for few games and see the result :)


                            Im 100% sure that you can get at least 5k by spamming ANY hero


                              Yup #jacked same as i said late game i feel a waste who can kill just supprts at times they too get ghost and i just end up getting kited and at sea even if ur owning ur team wont pressure and end thats where comebacks take place many a times even if iam dominating the game late game i just scale very bad against hard carries...


                                Yup @cookie will try wanna reach 4 k trying hard :)
                                Stuck at 3.2 now from some 2 week so just thinking of new way


                                  good luck op, a little heads up, once your in 3.8-3.9 range, games will be cancer


                                    @Renshin ahhh tell me about it...
                                    Already cancerous where ck is just 0 for 11 and farming whole game anyways no use speaking about it getting better is only option :)


                                      i think ursa blink agh can win u games ursa vladimir basher can suck hard or mom


                                        U mean heart? @anus destroyer


                                          So u don't get any item for lifesteal?
                                          @ anus destroyer?


                                            no ...i get as i said blink agha then can go monkey or bkb
                                            maybe go lifesteal like satanic but very late
                                            u can only get morbid mask for solo rosh


                                              also shpere and agh is good then go for monkey


                                                Have you tried slahsers way? The jungle ursa and level 4 rosh. Early game you can chase enemies. Early game map control. Not sure if it will help you


                                                  yes get stoun morbid mask and ring of basi and smoke to rosh ulits usually lvl 4 by then


                                                    Thank you guys for advice will try but slasshers way i need to watch on youtube about it coz iam not aware..

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Correct me if I am wrong but has vroksnack played ursa recently? Cus what he used to do was lvl 1 rosh or abandon. Hence super high win rate. Level 1 rosh is harder now.

                                                      Ursa is ok, not amazing cus he does little tower dmg, awful push, so you really have to snowball hard to win and your teammates generally have to contribute. Or you end up with games like this:

                                                      WR completely failed to provide tower dmg despite being an amazing tower killer and magnus couldn't hold off np rat at all. Late game with hurricane pike I couldn't man fight TA anymore.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        N O H E X ? N O H E X !

                                                        N O A G H S ? N O A G H S !


                                                          Yup here in this case i would build agha and linken just because I know that ta does not have anyother point and target spell and she wont be able to pike me plus hex was needed :(


                                                            Instead of abysal it would have been better to get hex i suppose


                                                              ive had a decent amount of success with ursa in duo offlane in 4k shit-tier. 200 games 65% winrate


                                                                ursa will be op if u know what to do.

                                                                i just checked my ursa winrate and i have 90% wr wow..


                                                                  All u do as ursa is get a couple levels, phase, aegis, and a fast blink, and start dumping people. I just roam after lvl 4 roshan.


                                                                    you can always get a diffusal if their ghost scepters are winding you up.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!