General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do become toxic in games

How often do become toxic in games in General Discussion

    Do you like have one of those days where you just say "f*** it im throwing and going to have some fun"




        im just soo bored atm playing on unranked


          When my team is ULTRA bad and ULTRA toxic
          Which is.... 1 out 30 games? Good thing I can tolerate most people's immaturity


            Often times I'm toxic in the game...for 5-10 minutes then reverts back to casual mode and play to win without tilting.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Never. May be in 5 stack if we all feel like trolling in unranked.


                Only in Single Draft,my second home


                  Every time someone is marking jungle i am instantly triggered.


                    2724830825 Can anyone predict their mmr's ! Ty volvo for this kind of match !

                    This is not toxic . This is ultra deadly match

                    Dire Wolf

                      nope. I curse a lot in chat and call people stupid though. Usually it's in response to them dogging my builds when I am clearly not the problem. Like my whole team was feeding and I had far and away most farm and they bitch gg hc no items it's ridiculous. When mid is 1-8 and then bitches about carry's farm even though he's under pressure entire game and still managing 6 cs/min it's ridiculous and I will bitch people out.

                      Then I was playing medusa once and build mask of madness and my team would not stop bitching, they were so stupid and have on understanding of mechanics.

                      Oh once I built deso vlads on PA and got bitched at cus "vlad's sucks, vanguard is the build" LOL people can be so freakin retarded.

                      I got my first chat ban actually this week go me.


                        Idk last game I had a dk, while I was a first pick am. Dk last picks to come into lane with me and fight for farm, tries to pull and doesn't know who to, then his friend says he is new at the game so don't get mad at him. Ended up tilting and going afk when they enemy team was snowballing and I did not have the farm to snowball. 2ks

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