General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it bad if I use blink strike before dagger as PA?

Is it bad if I use blink strike before dagger as PA? in General Discussion

    Can this be detrimental to PA? If she blink strike an enemy without daggering them as a mean of surprise and unexpected ambush assuming that there is a fight going on when PA joined the fight shortly after the fight take place.

    doc joferlyn simp

      well depends. pre bkb you just spam dagger and kite, blink strike when they go for another target and back off as they notice. generally cheeky shit

      yes it is detrimental because that is your only slow. if you blink strike first at best you can get 2 attacks in if the target is mobile. daggering in first slows the enemy while you blink strike, so you can use the full duration of the buff. even when enemies arent mobile, daggering in first before blink strike is better as it also slows down the hero turn rate, making maneuvering for the enemy more difficult whether they want to turn at you and fight back or turn around and regroup


        the dagger will hit and slow about the same time you blink so you get the most of it if you dagger first.

        also gets it off cd faster if you need it again to secure kill.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Dagger has a travel time and a cast time, so you should cast it first, because it also has longer range.


            It's effective when your enemy is windranger, blink first so that you can hit before she windrun then use dagger to slow her. No escape gaming

            Hatsune Miku

              i blink first against mirana


                It depends. Daggering is usually correct first. Late game a dagger crit opens up the way for a support pick off so u want to spam it. Early game u can kite really hard with it. But if u want to bait something like slardar speed or windrun, blinking first might be right.


                  how about if you have echo sabre, will it be fine to blink first then?


                    Dont buy echo on pa plis.


                      ^yeah figures, the item is too redundant on her because u already have AS boosting spell + slow + it wastes a slot

                      just asking if for some reason you have echo sabre on you


                        the whole point of dagger is that it gives vision. When you have vision you can blink strike. Not hard to understand.


                          In some case where enemy has linken, its better to dagger first then blink (make sure the dagger hit the target before cast your blink or else you wont be able to jump because linken only proc after dagger hit)


                            Little known fact that your dagger will eat up one phantom strike buff if you blink dagger instead of dagger blink

                            That said in late game you should blink dagger against targets with blink dagger or ghost to minimise time for them to react

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                              However when chasing you dagger first as it has longer cast range