General Discussion

General DiscussionA DOTA2 story

A DOTA2 story in General Discussion

    Recently i have trouble winning memer games because of my noob teammates
    Every game, I instapick LC jungle
    I am way better than them all
    I ask for 3 tangos and a ward
    I walk down to jungle confidently
    I got first blooded
    He got it because I always lag in the first 3 minutes, and it is intentional so they will think that they have hope of winning the game
    My team flames me, but that does not matter
    I am better than them
    They are like flies to me
    I will show them true skill
    I flame them back if we're losing
    My KDA doesn't matfer
    It's shit because my team plays without teamwork or skill
    They didn't give me my 3 tsngos
    They didn't give me my ward
    And now they're paying the price
    My supports didn't put any ward
    My carry can't farm any shit
    My offlane can't even control lane equilibrium
    My mid is a pudge pinoy
    Pinoys are disgusting human beings I hope they dies out of typhoons
    Guess what? Our juggernaut didn't even buy aghanim!
    What a fucking retard
    I will not take any blame seriously
    Our loss is their fault
    Don't look at KDA
    If I go 0-3, I tilt because I know it's hopeless because obviously it's the team's fault
    If we're winning, it's all my doings
    Again, don't look at KDA
    I take all the glory
    I allchat "ez" every game no matter what
    I allchat "?" after every kill
    Because they must know how good I am
    They shall worship me
    Any loss is never my fault
    It's the team not playing around me
    It's the team not taking advantages that I made
    I have lost alot of my recent matches because I kept getting these kind of shitheads
    People must know
    I am special
    I am different
    I deserve 6k
    But every game I get these kind of players
    Listen to me
    I am a Normal Skill Player
    MMR is just a number
    Before you look down on me, give me a 6k account, I will boost it to 8k
    I am good enough
    It's the team
    I am dead serious
    I will not give up and blend in with these shitheads
    I am a great player

    lp pesok #2


      lp pesok #2

        #OgreLivesMatter #NoOnions #FunkyDonkey #Fiona


          I'm gonna fucking leave this community if people think this is actually a serious thread
          I had enough cringe with youtube retards getting triggered by obvious shits

          mentally handicapped

            nothing special


              Very nice Story m8.


                Poetic. Well donr