General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes coming back

Heroes coming back in General Discussion

    Which heroes do you want to be back at the meta?
    I say lina, leshie, and QoP and those 6.84 magic rainbow stuffs

    doc joferlyn simp



        Just go euls, blink. Play with an enigma. Win game. U can kill any hero with blink, euls, ulti. As sf


          Where's the aghanim with that build


            SF is way too situational to pick right now and he's not even that good at dealing damage (the only thing he's good at) compared to other heroes
            Eul build falls off way too quickly btw

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              doc joferlyn simp

                with this style youre suggesting you need 2 core items to come online, blink and euls. to become more effective you need a 4200 gold item, aghs. at this point you have the option to get that bkb, butterfly, ac, or generally manfighting items

                or maybe you could go full yolo and build a refresher to top it all off

                best case scenario youre fighting against an uncoordinated team who cannot learn habitually, ie when ganked by sf with euls combo they still continue to position themselves like how you caught them out. you snowball off of that shit

                worst case really any carry this meta just runs at you while youre farming souls, and with your innate squishiness + no escape mechanism of any kind, you feed relentlessly and lose your team the game

                with the popularity of pa and sven, sf is too risky as a pick in pubs. pa could even go mid against you and she'd spam dagger non stop, dont tell me a magic wand will make everything go away. sven too tanky to delete from the game unless you get aghs, and by then he'd have his bkb

                so ye id take sf manfight build everytime but sadly meta doesnt lean towards that


                  Sf isnt that good i agree. But its the only way i feel like i can find solo kills, shadow blade initiation being to hard to pull off unless they stand still. I fit agha afterwards, followed by bkb. U cud maybe fit it into a drow strat to cover his right click dmg until after bkb. But with a smoke, u can force them to group up at least. I dunno im not some insane sf player, most of u who have more experience probably know better.


                    I dont think sf can ever man fight a sven. Only early game rlly. Plus euls blink gives a sort of escape. Sven also farms faster too. Ive had real success with sf in my ns pubs against legion, just killing her every time she duels. I also recently played a game with an enigma and tide, so we just out teamfought them completely.


                      Maybe souls cud give agility instead of dmg to make him scale better.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        souls giving agi would be the most op shit ever, what with 46 souls available to him with aghs

                        i would suggest a better str gain, maybe base int increased. sf cant sustain raze now bcs of mana problems. i heard people are maxing 2nd and 3rd skills, trying to make a shitty hero work

                        a base armor increase would at least wont guarantee he dies whenever someone comes near him


                          Ye. Euls is a farming item mostly. The mana regen coming in clutch.


                            Necro stat necro stat necro stat necro seems better than maxing aura after necromastery
                            SF aint gonna push from minute 0 like the drow venge abbadon etc strat does

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              even then euls isnt that much of a work-behind-the-scenes item like aquila. euls takes a massive amount of mana, perhaps more than it's worth. cyclone uses 175 mana, for comparison 1 raze takes 90 mana. so everytime you use cyclone you are using up the equivalent of 2 razes, something which, after a euls initiation, youd be doing after. this would leave you mana starved


                                For reference here is my build.


                                30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                  Sf still fine. Euls is just for gimmicks.
                                  Puck needs more buff.


                                    heel no, pucky fucky doesnt need a buff
                                    BUFF LESHRAC


                                      is aghs sf really a thing? i thought that was a joke

                                      on topic id like techie to be back, prob not gonna happen

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        aghs sf decent imo, esp good when you are balling so hard. with the heal people wont be killing you so easily

                                        problem is other carries can get online much much faster and do so much more without having to farm 2250 and 4200 gold to be effective

                                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                          Aghs SF is basically Satanic.
                                          So even without the gimmicky item builds it's effective.

                                          Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                            I want SF, Lina, Leshrac, Techies, Troll, Sniper, Enchantress, and Doom to get buffs.


                                              I want to see brewmaster in meta hes trash right now, least picked hero in pub & Pro scene


                                                Sniper is coming back right now as a way to deal with OD, however I hope it doesn't become a thing.

                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                  Oh yeah Brewmaster as well, maybe adding a ministun on his 1st?

                                                  ?.Stock @zzo

                                                    Maybe doom. Weaver i guess needs to find a place, he just doesn't seem good enough every patch.
                                                    Brewmaster for sure.

                                                    Pls no phantom cancer or leshrac. Pls.

                                                    ARC WARDEN

                                                      i miss One Punch Man TUSK.

                                                      yung griphook

                                                        Saadooow feeeen


                                                          Aghs on shadow fiend can be really disgusting some times.




                                                              Clockwerk need a small buff and then he'll be good again. Or just a shift in the meta. Pretty much the most fun hero in the game so I want him back


                                                                Lesh can sometimes destroy retards who dont know what theyre doing, but he is bad. Plis nerf.


                                                                I know my build is weird, but it is godly.


                                                                  I meant buff lol. Plis buff

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    There isn't really a meta in pubs right now. There are only some underpowered heroes and they are almost all mid heroes who get ganked too easily or got screwed by raindrops. Qop, puck, lesh all screwed by raindrops, sf farm hurt and easily ganked. Gyro kinda sucks right now too but I don't know why.

                                                                    Lornas Bondage Ties And M...

                                                                      Id like to see more ench, naga, brew and maybe a Little buff on ebola spirit


                                                                        Dire Wolfe i dont think its just couse raindrops for example on my mmr ppl didnt realized yet that item :D but for sure qop need a buff and please a big one she is the real hero fun to watch fun to play also she is not cancerino

                                                                        Buff - io
                                                                        nerf all heroes above 55%
                                                                        Buff rod of atos

                                                                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                                          I wanna see jakiro and leshrac back :D


                                                                            only way i see sf being played in high mmr nowadays is some nuker build that uses aghs and oc, refresher, shivas, and shit

                                                                            This comment was edited

                                                                              I wonder how to buff QoP... maybe decrease mana costs of her scream so she can snowball better? Decrease mana cost+cooldown on ult? Rework of her Q?

                                                                              Or I got an idea... what if scream of pain applied some sort of debuff to target for example minus armour, dmg reduction etc... that could have been enough to make her viable...

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!