General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff channel in game.

dotabuff channel in game. in General Discussion

    Hello guys, I created a channel in the game client by the name of "dotabuff", so users of the forum can get together and play. it's also helpful cause I see a lot of smurf accounts on this forum that don't have the option of adding other players. You can join by clicking the channels + option on the right bottom of your home screen in the dota client and typing dotabuff in the users section.


    doc joferlyn simp

      now this right here convinces me that the dota 2 community still has hope

      PS op you should do something else. one moment youre busy planning how to make the community better then the next moment youre surfing the deep web for pedo cafes


        Is simple on every 3rd shit post I make I have a quality one helping the community.. Also can some one join the channel so I see if it works ?


          also it's kinda lonely here


            I bet, someone will be joining that channel will be asking "predict my mmr", nonetheless, really good idea though


              ahahahshdhas roflk xd


                cookie joined my channel im callin it a success

                doc joferlyn simp

                  > Good game, well played!




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