General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to do when

what to do when in General Discussion

    my mid feeds 7 kills to enemy storm in less than 10 min & game get out of control & they snowball a win? im getting alot of this games recently , any tips on how to handle this shitfests type of games besides playing mid? i don't like mid role & most of my fav heroes are not midlaners


      sometimes i wish i never downloaded this game


        im sorry but when i was your mmr i was mastering tinker and by then i had like 150 tinkers and from then i boosted mmr even if my team feed storm or not
        the point is work on your self

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            If you pick lc jungle it's an auto hate for you.


              Your team feeds when the storm hits lvl 6
              You fed from minute 0 by going jungle LC
              Play support and be good with it (rofl I have seen enough carry spammers who are dogshit as supports and shit is gamelosing sometimes, farms 24/7 and still poor, fucks lane equilibrium, no utilities, no wards, no detections, retarded build, 100% flame)
              Pick with brains
              Dota isn't only about skills
              Don't blame your team and check yourself
              I'm sure any decent player is able to 1v9 nearly every single game in NS bracket


                wtf , its not only my LC game , i picked LC because PL randomed & was like "oh shit i have no idea how to PL :DDD" i actually picked LC to stop other team from picking her since shes rlly good vs PL & i told rubick to pick Earth shaker instead but he got picked by enemy team to counter PL.


                  actually its not when storm hit lvl 6 , invoker died twice to storm in first 2 min trying to trade hits with him & then continued to die 7 times in lane only to him, it was so funny it looked like he feed him on purpose

                  i did alot of mistakes in my life ( one of them instaling dota lol ) but i never feeded fucking 7 kills in my lane even if im learning a hero i never played in my life i'll learn not to die after 1-2 max 3 deaths

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                    actually jungling lc is not that bad,but only if you rotate fast enough.
                    as soon as u get ur threads and lvl 6, pop a smoke and gank mid. That way you can control the mid enemy.everytime ur not in the map he will have to play defensively. however this is usually not the case. people who jungle lc usually are super greedy and never use their ultimate until 10 mins or something,and buy stupid items like naked dagger or midas and never threads 1st,which is a very inefficient way of jungling


                      i dont think anyone who picks a jungler can comment on someone feeding in their lane.
                      jungling is a no brainer and yet people still fk it up on a daily basis,not knowing efficiency and shit.
                      if u notice that he's having a bad time in his lane, you should actually rotate to help him


                        ok so he died twice in first 2 min when i havent actually farmed shit how can i help him? im not a raoming cm dude , i hit 84 last hits jungling LC so how am i not efficient ? you think i will trust someone who randomed PL & said him self he has no idea how to PL to carry the game & i pick support? the outcome would have been worse trust me


                          thats the think that you're not supposed to roam.tell me at what time did you use your 1st ulti?
                          You didnt buy threads i assume?straight BOT?


                            actually im not even going to bother to wait for your answer cause i know that there's no way you're going to admit that it is your fault as well.

                            here are my 2 cents.
                            U think u're efficient? u're not. if u're going to spend a lot of time jungling,buying threads as your 1st item is a must. thread switching is too good to pass on. going bots instead of threads just shows your shallow understanding of the game.

                            So u say u cant rely on pl since he randomed and said that he doesnt know how to play and it cant get worse?
                            Wrong. when u pick lc against a very strong lineup early game, veno es omni, u're weakening all of ur lanes. instead of helping ur very item dependent hard carry in his lane,instead of ensuring he gets his farm, u decide to leave him to deal with a very strong early game lineup.and you didnt really contribute much as an lc. you should have picked something that can fight early on, skywrath or wd or any hero that wants to fight early. your chances are alot better that way. but then again, ur in NS, i dont expect you to know these things.

                            tldr: u deserve to lose that game


                              no i bought threads , those BoT were when i saw an opportunity to rat dota when the game was alrdy lost i sold shadowblade a threads for them. i jungled a 8 min shadowblade & got my first duel around 10 min because nobody would let me get my shadowblade from the cour lol , i made blink dagger because their supports started buying detection after the duels i got. Actually if i didnt get some duels here & there especially on jungle farming slark the game was lost ages go


                                ur wrong i admit my mistakes always that game was

                                10% my fault
                                70% invoker
                                20% PL


                                  so u used ur ulti at 10 mins.the game is 45 mins long. That means your team has been playing 4 v 5 for more than 1/5 of the total game.
                                  How can u blame other people then? U've been handicapping ur team for 10 full minutes. and ur 1st item is a sb? damn son.
                                  FYI, it doesnt matter how fast ur sb is cause ur jungling uncontested,that's like playing against bots.
                                  and sb is a very weak item on lc if the enemy team knows how to handle it. if i analyze your replay, im pretty sure there's a lot more to point out

                                  PMS Mantra

                                    As to your original question: go help mid.


                                      I dont hate the LC pick jungle, there was a storm and slark with escape and legion is a good answer to that problem, the reason you lost in my opinion is that voker has a 34% winrate on that hero, and has a 49% winrate over all, this usually means that person shouldnt mid, and he defo shouldnt play a hero he has 34% winrate on. Its easy to say in hindsight u should have picked a high impact supp like disruptor when u know the voker was shit, but if he was good i think you did the right thing picking hard disable. Im gonna be honest, until you get out of normal skill, you will encounter the issue of shit mid syndrome 50% of the time


                                        also you got your shaddow blade at 11-12 mins i checked your game, that right there is why you lost, your inability to be honest with your own play, how can you expect to improve when you tell your self you farmed a 8 min shadowblade, when it took 50% longer than that. The moment you can be honest with your self and accept your performance you will improve


                                          also your storm spirit was 28-0 so the answer to what do i do? not much really you lost that game of dotes


                                            NS bracket, K.


                                              PMA i got it earlier than 10 min but it was on the cour & i couldnt have access to it as i said


                                                No u got PMS
                                                You're not PMA
                                                PMA is positive mental attitude
                                                You obviously don't have that


                                                  Help him instead of flaming... just sit behind him


                                                    ^ so we both get behind in farming , gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8 no h8

                                                    rice cake

                                                      Are you the same person that praise vlad ursa and bash mom ursa?

                                                      M U R D E R

                                                        You can easily carry normal skill game as support. Just go roam all lanes and kill all enemies everytime. Support might not be able to rightclick his way to victory, but you sure as hell can dumpster enemy team in the early game so hard that they feed 0/7

                                                        Hotd ursa???????

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                                                          ^^^ First of all who said you Need to pick hardcarry? second of all there is a reason you are almost 2k mmr below me so please listen to other ppl

                                                          Nervous Bakedown

                                                            Play mid? If you go mid and dont feed storm then you are doing better than just letting your team take it and they do it. or you could help the mid by making early ganks. Storm hates early gankers because pre lv 6 storm has no mobility and his only stun makes him less mobile.


                                                              @ Potato yes there is a reason im 2k mmr less than you & it maybe might be because im learning the game & have only been discovering dota last 10 months ???? do you have a dota 2 exp of 10 months & 4k mmr???