General Discussion

General Discussiongetting good is so hard

getting good is so hard in General Discussion

    wish this game was like osu where you can just "play more" to get git gud

    even if i play everyday i dont think shit's changing at all



      Boi Danny



          Play harder don't play more


            Dude my osu is stuck and my dota is improving lets swap skeels k


              Watch replays and fix your mistakes. They're much easier to identify when not at game speed.


                "even if i play everyday i dont think shit's changing at all"

                Yes, this is how it is for everyone. Once you have a couple thousand games played over a couple years you really won't get any better. You might learn some new tricks, new aspects of the game you didn't really pay attention too before. But you won't actually become significantly better.

                I have been watching and playing dota for 8 years now. I have played close to 10,000 games. I knew everything I know now (except from patch changes) after a few hundred games and I am basically at the same skill level I was after the first 2,000 games in dota 1. I have not seen anyone pub or pro do anything really new and different that I could learn to do for 6 years. It's really not going to change because to do better I would have to gain more quickness and dexterity. I can see plenty of things that could be done in my games, but cannot execute them and no amount of practice will change that fact. I would have to magically get a different body with faster fingers and sharper vision.

                The same problem limits everyone who plays the game. Everyone has a different skill cap, but you will reach it and eventually you will know you have reached it if you exhaust all other excuses you might tell yourself about how your team sucked, or you were not serious enough, or you didn't care enough, needed a better internet connection, wrong builds, wrong picks, wrong items... none of that ultimately can make you a faster more talented player than you really are.


                All that said. You probably can marginally improve from watching your replays at slow speed to see more mistakes like SmartStarfish mentions. But if you do focus on your best heross and eliminate mistakes you will gain a few hundred mmr and reach a point where the game goes too fast for you and everyone you play with and against is better than you. Then if you slack off even the tiniest bit you will slide back down again.

                My opinion is that its better to stay an an MMR that is a bit low for your skill level so the games are more fun. If you play in games where you are not good enough to determine the outcome by outplaying someone, you will tend to feel like dota is something that happens to you instead of something you participate in achieving.

                This comment was edited

                  I'm gaining mmr by talking to myself while playing


                    8% kotl winrate how


                      bot matches fucking pleb trash ty

                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                        I climbed from 3k to 4k in one year by trying so hard, by treating every game like life or death scenario that you should win no matter what. And if your team screws up dont blame them. Focus on improving and blaming yourself for your mistakes. Played 10games a day with my best heroes. If your team starts flaming you then mute them all and just focus on winning.
                        It will drain you but it will make you good. After I got to 4k I didn't tryhard anymore since Its tiring and I got busy.


                          "And if your team screws up dont blame them. Focus on improving and blaming yourself for your mistakes. Played 10games a day with my best heroes. If your team starts flaming you then mute them all and just focus on winning. "
                          I've been doing this thing for awhile (since few weeks ago) and it works



                            the reason im improving so fast in osu is because im still sub 1k pp and ive only just tried getting good recently

                            and thats probably the reason why youre getting good in dota; cuz ur still learning shit tons of stuff that can make you improve while it's still early

                            as for me in dota even tho i got that SEA coach guy who basically tells me the same thing in every replay analysis i still keep on doing the same mistakes; i guess playing a lot of games without trying to git rly good in dota is a huge mistake, you just get used to committing the mistakes and ineffciency like it's nothing. it's actually like trying to learn a new language when you're older compared to when youre younger


                              Meh I went from 3k to 4K just by getting a bit more sleep . I'm a slow fuck but don't feel like I am close to my mmr cap yet because I think I can analyze the game as it's progressing better than most at my mmr . Haven't had much time to play recently but if I get some more time to play I think I can get 5k before chritmas . I also continually have gotten better / faster at picking priority targets in teAmfights . Anyways I don't think I am too fast of a guy but think my skill cap is still increasing every time I play dotes just from getting faster/better at analyzing the game also better at predicting my enemies next move . I'm sure most people can get higher than they think if they actively try to think about their next move in game .

                              M U R D E R

                                Its not that hard to improve, it just requires your constant attention.


                                  Well that explains your osu improvement skills
                                  I also improved fast when i was 1k pp
                                  1.5k upwards you need to rely on getting uber good scores
                                  I'm stuck on 2000 right now rofl


                                    is your ping awful on other servers? i don't think SEA is that bad but if your ping is ok you should try playing EU, US, whatever you can


                                      I see you playing zeus for 2 games and winning, why not spam him? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                      casual gamer

                                        i still identify a shitton of decision-making errors after 4000 games. improvement is constant


                                          Wow jdf you're scaring me out
                                          I have a target to reach 3k mmr before 1k play hour but damn

                                          yung griphook

                                            its also what makes playing dota rewarding, imo