General Discussion

General Discussiongame-losing builds on heroes that people still build?

game-losing builds on heroes that people still build? in General Discussion

    Any LC and Axe that isn't me

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Euls on Lina


        Euls on lina is ok fam u high m8


          delaying blink for vlads ? rofl no ursa that knows what hes doing goes for vlads before blink , everyone fucking keep it as a morbid mask + phase boots then goes for blink dagger at 12 min then finish their vlads


            ACTUALLY going MoM over vlads is delaying blink , because most players who goes for MoM finish it before going blink dagger so there you go your "delaying blink" theory is dogshit

            building MoM without a support that gives you mana like kotl or CM is like asking to be fucked in the ass & going back & forth to base after every team fight


              starting with quelling blade instead of stout shield on lane as melee carry.


                i wouldn't buy vlads on AM unless u expect to be dodging in and out of teamfights often and need to regen quickly on a neutral camp or something.

                tbh i almost never buy it

                and most good antimage don't.

                you'll notice miracle just gets ring of basi for mana regen and that's it.

                RTZ sometimes gets headress if his lane is hard.

                IMO the only time you should be buying vlads is if your lane was so fucking difficult that you needed ring of health+headdress to survive. since basi is a good item, at this point you might as well just finish the item.


                  "tbh i almost never buy it" then u check his common build on Anti mage & u see vlads


                    The thing is marlan
                    The situation you nearly never have in your games happens alot in mine (ya ns pleb whatever)
                    Teamfight happens here and there that not taking vlad seems to be a waste of opportunity


                      vlads am is situational. it's more for games where you have trilane supports to triple stack jungle and ancients. by the time you pickup bf and do a rotation of lane > jung > mid you can usually right click the item from there to help take out ancient stack. in those kinda organized games 9/10 your team is probably better off having an axe or alch take stacks.

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                        Aghs on Zeus is crap since it gives just like 150 damage.

                        Vlads on AM is good.

                        Linkens on Dusa is situational and it works.



                          One lesson a day..... Learn how to use stats. You check recent games like past few months not all time lmao.... Ofc Vlads well be all-time item. It used to be very meta.

                          If you look past 3 months it doesn't show up. Past 6 it does though, but ofc it will, it's a common item compared to others. The same reason magic wand shows up on your all heroes items even though you might not make it often since it's still mroe than other items.

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                            the reason that a lot of u guys say that vfury jug is bad now is cuz a lot of players ve been going mid with him? i understand that bfury on mid isnt good, but didnt get it at the safe one, enlight me plz xD

                            rice cake

                              I cant stand seeing abaddon with right click items..


                                I don't get why manta is bad on Dusa. As a stat-based hero, I think most of ultimate orb(s) build up are good for her. I usually go wraith band tango, or wand if needed, phase aquila then skadi or yasha (if goes full farming mode). Usually skadi are at 20 mins, or 13 mins yasha then goes for skadi or linken (if annoying single target exist). Finish game with usually phase skadi manta linken (if needed) butterfly and either DR or hex, cuirass

                                Ult orb upgrade are skadi, linken, manta, vyse. Only skadi is "mandatory", the rest is optional. And yasha gives good stats anyway, why don't upgrade it to manta? SnY is lacking tbh, manta have dispel advantages

                                Please teach me why it is bad. Normal skill here, yeah. That's why I am open for suggestions. I'm still learning


                                  I never play dusa but here's my 2 cents from what I've seen from other players
                                  Manta dispels you one skill and thats it
                                  Ranged illusions of medusa are underwhelming
                                  Movement speed is nice tho
                                  Making the enemy team instantly focuses on 6000 EHP medusa while the rest of her team deals damage with her is better than making them tear apart 4000 EHP one with 2 squishy illusions that barely deal any damage
                                  Might try the hero sometimes to actually find out


                                    What would you build in instead? Tarras is nice but the build up isn't let you farm at all. At the very least, yasha help you farm with cheap agi. Selling yasha later maybe good, I'll test this if the game last long enough. Mjollnir, against mega maybe? Dusa melts wave easy even without maelstrom


                                      manta illusions deals little damage so u cant rly use it offensively
                                      then for its defensive purposes (which is dispel/dodge something) you need mana to use it which kinda hinders your mana shield

                                      yasha is good but you rly should just leave it alone and just buy a bfly/skadi/mjoll

                                      mjollnir skadi daed bfly draogn lance/pike build is what u go for i think


                                        you dont buy heart on a hero like dusa lol your primary role is not to tank damage its to deal huge aoe damage with ur ult and right clicks


                                          @alice, pretty good insight on a dusa build, also i recommend buying divine as a dmg item, go big or go home right?

                                          Fee Too Pee



                                              Look at my usual build Alice, I think I just go heart twice lifetime as a Dusa XD

                                              While I do agree that Dusa role is aoe damage, when your mid already done huge damage already (jugg, sf maybe?) but squishy af, I think it's OK to tank some damage. Tanking 4 hero solo and still refuse to die is hilarious. Maybe I'll try spectre for this purpose

                                              Why pike though. Lance is cheap with great stats, I agree. But I think yasha is enough

                                              Ultra late game I think thebuild should be

                                              Travel skadi butterfly linken (if strong single target exist) or mkb (for bfly carry) rapier aegis (or some random daedalus)




                                                  why has no one said anything about lich and cm agh rush?
                                                  or DP with shadow blade, bloodstone and heart?


                                                    dagon on bh and necro? i think its dumb

                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      lol dagon on necro or bounty are in my opinion core items if going for longer game


                                                        My Opinion on why Manta Medusa is Bad:
                                                        It costs mana to use. It gives you 120 mana but costs 125 mana to use so you basically get no benefit from the mana it provides if you use it at the start of a fight. And Since mana is basically HP for medusa (Better than HP actually) buying an item that doesn't give you any mana is kinda bad. It does slightly speed up your farm by using the illusions to clear creeps but other items benefit you more especially in a fight. The dispel isn't as important as people claim. Once you've used Ult+Snake you don't care if youre silenced, Slows aren't really that big of a problem for this hero and if you want to manta-dodge projectiles rather get a Linken's because its more reliable.

                                                        Also the really bad build that I see often is Vanguard->blademail Axe before blink. How is Axe meant to make use of his vanguard and blademail if he doesn't have any way to get close to the enemy?

                                                        yung griphook

                                                          anytime I see an aghs on jug i cry on the inside


                                                            Bfury on saflelane juggernaut is good y'all probs just suck at him .

                                                            Holy Roman Empire

                                                              1) If Bf jugg is bad then most pros are noobs
                                                              2) PA Bf is not horrible. You might say that she is not great in the lategame but Im quite sure she still wrecks
                                                              3) Vlads on AM is not a "refill my hp" item tard dota1 way of thinking. Its for split pushing
                                                              4) Vlads on Ursa is ok because u will push with aegis anyway
                                                              5) jugg aghs is situational still if you have a lot of pick off potential with blink
                                                              6) Euls Octarine rush DP is actually really good and gives her everything she needs in most games unless bkb/ drums/ shivas
                                                              7) Midas is not a horrible item and I can see it build on a LOT of heroes in a lot of games. A fast lvl 16 might be needed for wk sometimes. On naix its ok if you're ganking a lot.
                                                              8) Linkens on weaver and dusa is still their best option
                                                              9) Bloodthron rush clinkz is ok if you can not kill people without silence especially since bloodthorn gives a lot more dmg for a 3k increase in cost.
                                                              10) Manta on dusa is an upgrade for yasha and it's fine if you need the splitpush/ farm/ ms

                                                              ARC WARDEN

                                                                shadow blade rush at early as juggernaut, templar assassin, and alchemist.


                                                                  ppl who say PA bfury is bad. So if i get bfury at 13 min then farm vlads + desolator and come online around 23 min with phase boots bfury vlads desolator & one shot supports in team fight with dagger only , how is it bad build again? going bfury DOES not delay deso & vlad by much because you will be farming much faster , assuming we r talking safelane PA

                                                                  inb4 PA fall off late game , rofl 23 min is not late game & just because you saw QO in Ti6 going mid & fighting early game with PA doesnt mean any pleb can do that & most of the time i lose more with wannabe QO PA's who try to fight & then fall off like hell in their farm & we lose the game

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                                                                    To contribute:
                                                                    Shadow blade on heroes when your team already have Clinkz Riki and/or BH. Single sentry and now it's useless


                                                                      Rofl DP shadow blade bloodstone cancers are below 900 MMR shit
                                                                      Good thing i never met those kind of retards
                                                                      Lich aghanim is dogshit ye but retards wont have any impact even with glimmer and force staff anyway


                                                                        @fee to pee @nils
                                                                        safelane or not people buy bf for farming because they think juggernaut is a carry. Guess what, hes not a carry. You cant waste your early-mid game by farming bf

                                                                        registered flex offender

                                                                          you heard it here first guys! jugg is not a carry.

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