General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you POLITELY tell your friends to "git gud"

How do you POLITELY tell your friends to "git gud" in General Discussion

    Honestly guys, dota is a fun game with friends, but what if some of your friends are dogshit, how do tell them to improve without causing a rift in the friendship? FYI i see them every other day, no point in avoiding them


      Tell him "you can't eat rice with me If you don't git gud"


        ^I cant do that, he often pays for my food xD


          why should you tell them to improve if they want to improve they will do it themselves doesnt make sense


            Rice is Nice


              Ok let me be more specific, there's 1 friend in particular, whose a good person,friend,rich irl, but when it comes to dota he dont give a fuq if he feeds like a shitstain or underperforms, always finds a way to blame me and my other friends, and he is a toxic mofo. soo how do we politely tell him to git gud without pissing him off or ruining the friendship?


                why would u keep friends u need to talk politely to


                  I wouldn't shit in the same field with you


                    Just give him 2 choice,getgud or gangbang his gf... For sure he will play better than before. Rofl.😂


                      all my real life friends are noob at dota but we still play a lot of unranked and it's fun


                        @4ks clouding my psychopass Why the hell do you have so many "Stats not recorded" matches? o.O

                        yung griphook

                          im bad so i cant be too hard on my friends, but I have one where I told him im not playing with him until he can sucessfully pull through a creep wave 3 times. Its the little things that win games when youre bad.

                          Livin' Real Good

                            You should be able to say anything to your REAL friends. lol

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              i wouldnt eat my fucking rice that was made in the same field as yours


                                "The moment you realise you're not that good in DOTA2 you'll find ways to improve yourself"
                                Simple as that
                                I've been known as a straightforward and honest person anyway,so yeah some little slap in the face is fine for them