General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord & Lifestealer Ultimate bugs

Underlord & Lifestealer Ultimate bugs in General Discussion

    no big deal


      Without watching the video I will take a guess and explain what's wrong.

      You TP(ult) with lifestealer infested, walk back into lane. Lifestealer jumps out and is sent home. Not a bug, working as intended, lifestealer is sent home while off the map but will not return to the fountain till he's in play again (comes out of infest)

      I dunno which is worse, you making videos, or your game knowledge.


        Kind of a weird interaction but Punani Tsunami is right. Underlord's ult does TP hidden units but they don't appear at the teleport location until they come out of hiding. So Lifestealer is inside Underlord, then dark rift tries and takes him to the tower. Since he's hidden inside Underlord it cant move him to the tower so it waits until he is movable (he jumps out) and then immediately moves him to the tower.

        This is important to know if youre trying to do infest bombs with Underlord on your team. If you dark rift a hidden lifestealer somewhere, then it doesn't matter where he moves to afterwards, when he jumps out it should take him back to the rift location. It can make the gank backfire horribly if you don't know how it works.

        On a side note it should also move Phoenix after supernova ends if its cast while Phoenix is in the egg. Also should behave similarly for Disruption, Astral Imprisonment and Phase Shift and any other form of banish.


          Oh look, its that lame youtuber begging for views again


            And no, i wont give you your "negative publicity is still publicity" by not clicking on your link or watching the video. I urge all other self respecting(???) Dotabuffers to do the same

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