General Discussion

General DiscussionQE Invoker questions

QE Invoker questions in General Discussion
Charles Leclerc

    Hi! I am currently playing qe invoker. I have a couple of questions to ask.
    1.) How to be aggressive in the lane, and when to be? (I need this the most since i am very passive in lane and have no idea)
    2.) What should be the game plan in the early game, mid game and late game.
    3.) When should I split push/farm/join team fights
    4.) General tips
    Thank you so much!!!


      1.)how: forge and rightclicks, and coldsnap if opportunity given, when: whenever you're given the opportunity to freely hit them.
      2.) gameplan for early/mid/late game: farm, gank, push, splitpush, fight.
      3.)whenever given the opportunity
      4.) you can extra outlasthit your opponent with forge spirit + invoker attack.
      4.5) kill a creepwave and if they're close to the creepwave before it dies- coldsnap them and kill the last creep. then all the creeps from your wave will be attacking him and should be an ez kill.
      4.999...) always check for sunstrikes, ex you'd do it after every lasthit to just peek at the map. if you see something that looks like a fight then you click there.


        -Harras when you're highground.
        -if the enemy isn't highground, attack, wait before the projectile to hit and use coldsnap, you'd be able to hit him 2 more times like this
        -If you pushed your lane and 2 creeps survived, get to his side, use coldsnap and attack twice or three
        -When you get your forge spirit, put him in the enemy side of the cliff and don't let him auto attack creeps, just let him harass your enemy without getting hit from the tower as you last hit

        Early game:
        -Farming your midas
        -Getting level 10
        -Helping lanes with sunstrikes

        Mid game:
        -Preasuring lanes
        -Split pushing
        -Farming enemy jungle while forge spirits are farming lanes
        -Finding pick offs

        Late game:
        -Putting pressure in teamfights with your presence
        -Position yourself well
        -Split pushing whenever you get a chance

        -Splitpush whenever you can, you're farming that way too
        -Join cruical fights, such as Roshan fights, T3's/rax fights or anywhere close where you can BoT to

        Forge spirits are quite op, a couple of attacks and a sunstrike can easily kill a support who tp'd to defend his tower.
        Ice wall is great for kiting heroes such as ursa and sven.
        Getting one skill in Wex if you're getting ganked or outplayed in mid is worth for escaping.
        Sunstrike deals a shit ton of damage, when trying to get a solo pick off with the tornado combo, use sunstrike instead of meteor.
        Don't try to look for a sunstrike for too long and pay attention to your surrounding.

        fishy boi

          qe invo is shit


            normal skill is shit

            Execute Order 322

              4. Dont pick qe invoker against storm spirit


                @afeect you are shit

                Charles Leclerc

                  Thanks for the helpful comments, will apply them to my coming games. Also, i don't need random comments lol. I'm here to ask so I'll get better :)


                    @zero NORMAL SKILL fucking shitter

                    This comment was edited

                      Look up miracle euls combo, its very helpful in solo pick offs, it is euls, wait .8 seconds sunstrike, meteor, then deafening blast. To follow up if you miss sunstrike then cold snap and alacrity


                        @afeect you're still shit mate xD anyone can smurf man but I want to see you actually boost a 2-3k into vhs , but you can't since you suck at carrying lol


                          @Danny Boi
                          Euls is shit


                            @afeect and I don't think you should be giving invoker advice since you're on a 6 game losing streak with him LOL

                            saving private RTZ

                              ^he is 5k, he would have exactly 0 problems to boost a 3k account into VHS.

                              proof> see my account. i was a 3k shitter and i manage to get 4k with like a 65 winrate this month or smth. He would probably do it with like 90-100% winrate

                              there is absolutely nothing else keeping you at 3k other than your skill level


                                @kappa damn so much dick riders on this forum , sorry man but this isn't my main lul id crush @afeect's ass in a 1v1 easily.

                                casual gamer

                                  ^^ D E L U S I O N B O Y S


                                    EE recently spam invoker on his smurf . He lost all his invoker games rip . Sucide stream ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      the petty arguements in this forum is what i live for

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        delusional normal skill people LUL

                                        casual gamer

                                          i want to see this 1v1 pls play it + stream

                                          casual gamer

                                            hell i will 1v1 you even though im braindead at mid and lose lane in 90% of my matches

                                            Charles Leclerc

                                              so going back, are there any more tips? :)

                                              casual gamer

                                                look to pick QE when your team has heroes like BEASTMASTER and FACELESS VOID

                                                their early and mid game aggression will offset u farming ur ass off with midas and their skills give u a natural setup to sunstrike.

                                                buy raindrops either after boots or after midas. this shit is so good

                                                casual gamer

                                                  u can kill ancient creeps pretty early as invoker. they give a ton of gold and are relatively safe.

                                                  you can stack creep camps for ally sven/medusa with forge spirits.

                                                  u can summon spirits in a lane and a-click ur hero on jungle camps and then lasthit the lane with the spirits while pushing it out. this is ideal when u have lots of quas so they last a long ass time

                                                  urn of shadows maximises cold snap procs

                                                  ghost walk has a long cd, so if u reengage after using it be prepared to use ice wall or tornado/blast to escape

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!