General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero do you hate playing?

What hero do you hate playing? in General Discussion

    Like is that hero stressful to play, the voice quotes are annoying, their ability to farm is bad, their ability to kill is bad etc. Or you just don't like the playstyle of the hero or you just don't like it.

    Mine is Razor


      Skywrath is pretty fucken annoying for me; his voice quotes ._.

      Missing t0p!
      Missing midd0l!
      Missing b0tt0m!

      doc joferlyn simp

        Shadow Shaman. Not saying the hero is bad, tbh he's the best offensive support for me. What I hate are the simplicity of his skills, like it's a free tower whenever you cast your ultimate near a tower with your creeps. Two braindead lock down skills with ridiculous range + an aoe nuke with, admittedly, a small area of effect but holy shit that damage output. Whenever I play him it's like beating up my 5 year old neighbour, it's boring cuz it's so ez for me.

        Also his voice is so shiiiiiiiit like I hope the voice actor got run over by a rabid moose because they're so bad. The responses themselves are good and make a lot of sense + they are unique, the voice is just so bad. I rip my headphones to shreds whenever I hear a Shadow Shaman get a bounty rune, "Fortune's change" with that weird voice that reminds me a frog, I get fucking triggered.

        stupid fuck 2000

          QoP, Death Prophet. They just feel so clunky, idk.

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            storm, i just can't win with him


              CK is a hero that i cant seem to get good with


                a lot of heroes cuz im 2k mmr and i cant win with most of them

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                  visage atack animation what the fuck is that


                    Alchemist and slark
                    When noobs pick them they stomp everything because nobody countered them
                    When I do the enemy goes full tryhard,going for smoke ganks and shit,and I got destroyed while my teammates are the usual people I can't rely on


                      lmao at 1k mmr they cant even gank especially if ur slark you will use d pact but you are full trash player sorry play other game or dont complain noob


                        Np.. he shit Woods and my offlane sucks

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                          i liek every hero


                            I forgot to mention I'm not exactly comfortable with these heroes


                              I generally hate playing rightclick carries - especially melee- especially Spectre. Nothing interesting.

                              BOBBY TARANTINO

                                skywrath mage
                                he start with 0 armor in level 1
                                so basically every phsycal attack done to him is pure damage


                                  I'm really not comfortable playing Sven, Omni and Slardar.


                                    A lot of heroes start with 0, or even negative armor




                                        abaddon omni


                                          phantom lancer

                                          Preap Sovath

                                            Shadow Fiend, requires soul before ganking.

                                            me, government hooker

                                              razor viper abadon lich zeus
                                              boring garbage


                                                Every ranged heroes. Their miss chance is bullshit on me. Keep missing my attacks when trying to lh or fight 1 v 1 in mid.

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                                                  You only miss when you right click on a target on higher ground than you
                                                  I almost forgot about it rofl


                                                    i hate playing riki right now , hes so dogshit early game pre-diffusal & u have to relay on ur team mates to get the early games kills to get you going , so good luck if ur team is handicapped & can't work with you , despite now being played in the competitive scene & having a high winrate and all that good stuff , i prefer without a doubt the old riki pre 6.86 when you could win games on your own


                                                      Dog... Lol trash player, created a smirf to get vhs which is too ez to smurf too, his norm acc prob he or norm.

                                                      let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                        Omni, Drow, Viper, Sniper


                                                          Faceless really , i played it 5 times and lose it 5 times , and becoz he has no face lol

                                                          ул. ельцина 3

                                                            any hero except carry heroes


                                                              troll because when I play a bot match I do better than I do with any other hero but when I play him in a real match I just can't win ever. That and TA both heroes I'm 0-4 with.

                                                              M U R D E R

                                                                Naga WW Omni Io Visage Chen Techies

                                                                  This comment was removed by a moderator

                                                                    Razor .



                                                                      Sumbo #HEFTY



                                                                          all heroes


                                                                            wraith king i hate him

                                                                            STE 8-1-8

                                                                              Phoenix, something about that bird just doesn't click with me.

                                                                              registered flex offender



                                                                                  LION.. slow MS..short skill range..shitty animation

                                                                                  SHINRA TENSEI !!

                                                                                    i am so bad with lifestealer...i haven't won with him in 6.87


                                                                                      DISRUPTOR. Fucking Hate him

                                                                                      Ummi Ku Diliat Orang Kata...

                                                                                        as timber player.. kotl, lion and shaman so fucking disgusting to me


                                                                                          storm spirit. please tell me how to kill someone with him :(


                                                                                            Whats with all the razor hate


                                                                                              Batrider? Idk how professional players never miss a cs on him when he goes free farm. I mean, god i can never last hit with him.

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                razor is fun, lich is quite boring

                                                                                                JZ no Fear

                                                                                                  wow i have meepo, chen and invoker. and havent played with them and i won't.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    oh pudge, I played him once, landing hooks way too hard.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!