General Discussion

General Discussion@Cookie - Support Playstyle

@Cookie - Support Playstyle in General Discussion
Massive Dynamic

    Cookie, you mentioned that your playstyle as a support is more to disrupt the enemy as much as possible rather than being a ward bitch or making space for your carry to farm. Would it be possible to upload a video to your YouTube channel demonstrating this type of support playstyle?




        what for do you need that?

        it's very simple, just do your best to create as much space as humanly possible without dying.

        it works on a simple theory by me, a bad support is a ward bitch. all he does is passively play the game, meanwhile a good support creates space.

        and the thing is, space and advantage are resources. you can't see them, but they're resources.

        and you get them by taking them away from the enemy.

        that's my job as a disruptive support: i steal my enemies space/advantage so my teammates can get them.

        works on a simpler principle: even if my carry is shit at farming, the enemy carry ISN'T ALLOWED TO FARM AT ALL (because of me).

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        Massive Dynamic

          I suppose my real question is what heroes do you recommend this playstyle on the most? I know you've already covered Lich, but who else would you say excels at this?


            any support, it's a playstyle not a role


              Am I bad support?


                i'd have to watch your games to know, but good signs are not moving(more than +-500) in mmr for several months


                  I can understand why not moving -500 MMR is good, but why not moving +500 is also good? =)

                  P.S. How much space you can create as a support, if there is jungler in your team?

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                    +-500 is a natural ''float'' in mmr, this happens to everyone. some only go +-200. what it means is you gain 500 mmr, but you dont gain skill and you eventually go back down to your original mmr or close to the original.

                    if you only go +500 mmr but then you fall back that means you haven't improved.

                    so the actual question is: has your mmr floating point moved more than 500 up or down.

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                      I think my MMR goes down because of stupid patches. And it goes up when I adapt to changes. Probably my "golden age" was in 6.83. Everything after that is neverending doom to my support life.

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                        well, no. so your mmr float didn't change?

                        well idk about you, but this acc is now 4.7. i'm abusing support pretty brainlessly easy here.

                        the thing is there you just confirm what i say, your mmr goes down and back up. but the average float point never changes even if you adapt, you don't learn anything new but just adapt your previous knowledge to the new play styles .

                        so yea, tldr: you got a lot to learn

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                          I doubt I can learn anything new...

                          Can you answer my question: "How much space you can create as a support, if there is jungler in your team?"


                            you create as much as you can, regardless on what is on your team.

                            but good thing about junglers is that they get extra networth to the team, so when they come online; you can just gank around with the jungler's (because of his extra networth) and create space even more efficiently.



                              I'd recommend CLQ's pudge video. I know he does it with pudge but the thinking is applicable to any support.

                              Some supports are better at ganking than others though



                                you shouldve linked this cookie rofl

                                anyway thats a youtube vid where he played solo support cm

                                u can prob see there how he play support, plus its actually a self-analysis so u can prob hear some good points he makes


                                  o yea i forgot about that, actually that even makes that good point about junglers. as soon as my doom came up with his items we started going together and ganking non-stop.

                                  best examples here are ganking midlane and me being evil at 25 min+(ingame time) and blocking enemy camps, aka stealing their space/advantage.

                                  idk why but that made me so happy to block his shit XD, i'm so evil!

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                                    That CM video shows good teammates more than good support. When you leave your melee carry to stay solo vs DS, his "rage quit" is very possible. Sometimes I buy Ring of Regen and give it to my carry, just to make him feel that he is not alone, while I do shit elsewhere on the map. =)

                                    Consider it a tip. =)


                                      is this cookie guy a forever 5k player with his 10k games with tons of accs?


                                        @Soultrap the thing is, there's no way i can help that slark.

                                        staying in that lane and preventing him from getting killed is ultimately killing him.

                                        if i stay there i'll leech exp and he'll have even less farm, if i leave he gets exp and then he can farm easly after lvl 6 without dying AND i force riki to not gank him by making riki stay and protect other lanes.

                                        if it were possible i'd be staying in that safelane for the first couple of minutes zoning the offlaner and winning that lane for my idiot carry, but i can't.


                                        ye, cus i play 1 game per couple of moths on my higher accs.

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                                          triggered luls


                                            yea, there's foam coming out of my mouth


                                              "there's no way i can help that slark"
                                              This is why I say that this video is not about CM, but about Slark. Video must be labeled "how to farm vs DS and roaming Riki as melee carry without supports".

                                              Or even better: this match could be viewed from your opponents side. I guess they made a lot of mistakes, because they lost after advantageous early game.

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