General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper and Bloodseeker

Sniper and Bloodseeker in General Discussion

    So, why do these two dogshit heroes have such high popularity? (12th and 18th respectively)


      cuz 99% of community is below 3 k

      stupid fuck 2000

        i am 1% PogChamp


          Easy to play and among low skill people they can feed off kills very easily too.


            99% is below 4.2 according to old data, and not much has changed since then

            Dire Wolf

              It's among normal matches. We can't really see pick rates among normal matches but even ranked under 2k sniper is 15 at 15% pick rate, that's less than his overall of 18% pick rate and by far his highest picked bracket. He drops to 11% in 2-3k, 7% in 3-4k, 5% in 4-5k and then only 2.85% in 5k+, only of the least picked heroes. What is kind of interesting is his win rates are creeping back over 50% again.

              BS is same way, 13% overall and less than that in every mmr bracket.

              Best Treant EU

                i don't know whats the problem. both heroes have wr slightly above 50% so they seem pretty balanced at this patch. i think op is slow in adopting to new metas..
                or op watches too much esport games and implies that these heroes are dogshit because they didnt get picked very often. but i can tell u one thing op -> 99,5% of the dota 2 players are very far away from competitive dota gaming.

                but pls cry more about bs. he gets buffed every patch -> i like


                  ^ Lol.
                  Alright bro.


                    Sniper is a god tier hero in 0-3799 MMR range.

                    If you play him as a support.

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                      Ayy lmao support snipers! Here we go again

                      casual gamer

                        sniper is super fun

                        also high impact first pick offlane sniper:


                          Well I played sniper in the mid/high 5K bracket offlane for awhile and it worked out pretty good.

                          Team fighting with improved shrapnel makes him decent around fights. Sieging high ground is tough if you're vs a good one.

                          Items added to the game make them good as well. Buff to blademail makes BS better, dragonlance/Hurriane on sniper gives him even more range and an escape.

                          Dunno, lots of reasons to play, and not to play them. Guess some like them.


                            Man what the fuck are you talking about sniper's the shit, the good shit


                              I see a lot of bloodseekers in my games since the post TI patch.

                              They all suck.


                                Theres always some "fun to play" heroes, like pudge who will always be popular, i think bloodseeker and sniper are one of them, as sniper is fun cause of his range, and blood cause of his move speed and max move speed absence.


                                  These are both really good early Game but falls off so Fast. Bloodcyka is ok late with aghs. Sniper is really fun to Play though.


                                    Sniper dragon lance maelstorm hide in fog and zap zap zap zap zap.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Are you joking? Sniper sucks early and is awesome late


                                        rofl @ sniper falls of late, sniper is one of the hardest heroes to get to late game( slow farm ) but once his there hes a fucking beast & can rape anyone & u basically cant siege high ground vs a good sniper


                                          Sniper deals damage with Q and R. Of course he falls of late.

                                          Wait... We talk about support Sniper, right?

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                                              I cry every time my team picks sniper. It's shit in normal skill too. But ppl are stubborn


                                                The big issue with sniper Is That he is really good early on but doesnt offer Much to destroy buildings. And even with shitload of Farm sniper isnt That good, You're Just playing against shit tier people who dont know how to initiate.


                                                  3,950 MMR Ranked game

                                                  Dagon sniper - Did 21k magic damage, far more than all other heroes. Win. And yes, a total failure by the other team to initiate, but fear of dagon does that. I killed BH with dagon instantly when he jumped me once. He never attempted it again the whole game. I sat there spaming assasinate, no one dares to come close because Dagon -> dead if they do. They were to cowardly to get killed killing me and too uncoordinated to go together at the same time. You don't get many kills this way, but assassinate spam can put them in a position where they can't fight and back off the tower giving it up for free. You can rely on your team to back your up sometimes. I like to use helm on a centaur and have it stand by me to counter stun if they decide to man up and attack.

                                                  I'm not advocating this build. It's really a joke build... but in a certain game you can make it work. I'm just saying sniper is flexible and works in certain situations. If he gets ahead sniper is hard to beat against a team with bad initiation skills.

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