General Discussion

General DiscussionFairly new player looking for coach

Fairly new player looking for coach in General Discussion

    Looking for a coach so by the time i eventually get to level 20 to do mmr i wont be super super horrid. Right now i am probably at a 1.1k mmr based on games that i have watched.


      Why do you play carry if you're a new player? Who told you to do that?

      casual gamer

        it doesn't matter what role you pick at any mmr. you're going to be matched with people at ur skill level

        it only matters if I'm below avg mmr by 300+ and pick mid/carry and then the enemy mid/carry has 700 mmr on me and I get fucked/outplayed and lose my team the game


          shutup benao. People can play what they want.


            Don't listen to these 2 trashes, you don't learn dota by playing carry. Desist from picking them, ok?


              I like playing am because hes fun to play for me, it had nothing to do with carry or not.

              I also figured its better to stick with 3 heros at start so i can learn the game play and get a little better than having to keep relearning new hero's. i am not sure if that's actually smart or not

              me, government hooker

                yes listen to this guy he knows whats up when it comes to learning dota he played the game 20 years and is worse than bogi

                play whtever u want lol xD


                  so ive been watching youtube clips on how not to suck and it just seems like most of the guides and what not are all super old am i looking in the wrong places for new guides?


                    It is a good idea to have a smaller hero pool when you first play. I did the same thing (though not as drastic as you, you already have more games on 1 hero than I have on any one).
                    I started with Void, Phantom Lancer and Tuskar.

                    As far as coaching, good luck finding someone who will do it free. There are alot of good guides out there though.



                    The basic mechanics these guides explain are still pretty much relevant. Things are easier now that spawn boxes are revealed while planting wards, and tower range, etc. But you can still learn alot by reading these 2 guides.

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                      Thanks a million!!


                        don't listen to allison/@i don't like this blabla, he's just talking shit.. If he kept playing with me he'd be better than me at this point but he's stuck at being a scrub, a skillfull scrub with op heroes and 1v9 heroes like ta/tinker/meepo but still a scrub

                        Play playmaker heroes like sk/mirana/tide etc and focus on support if you genuinely want to learn the game. You will be stuck in 1k for years if you only play am and stupid noob carries like you've played until now

                        Dr. Anus, MD at Law

                          Don't derail the conversation with your petty dick waggling, topic is about looking for a coach.

                          me, government hooker

                            is 5,8 not higher than 4,5 or whatever ur mmr is or am i missing something

                            isnt meepo a hero that somewhat requires a little more practice/"skill" than other heroes or am i missing something. even tinker and ta are somewhat harder to play properly than ur garbage drow u spam in ranked

                            isnt playing "op" heroes what every high mmr player does or is ur tiny brain not able to see that

                            i struggle to see how u manage to live day after day in this life


                              they are the main heroes to just increase mmr NOT skill! Same with your low shit storm. But believe what you want

                              me, government hooker

                                u increase ur skill playing drow? interesting




                                    I just play whatever hero I enjoy effectively not giving a fuck about skill atm. My skill is already high I just need to tune some stuff if I want to play at higher levels.

                                    me, government hooker

                                      i see


                                        xD LMAO

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                                            Best way to learn dota 2 is to play 1 match of everything in bots and figure out a few heroes you really enjoy playing, and then just playing them. No need to go ranked until you're comfortable enough with playing the actual game

                                            casual gamer

                                              benao is literally braindead. listening to him talk about drow gives me cancer

                                              1.5k more games than me and still lower mmr. gets dumpstered 1v1 mid drow by someone actually good (kitrak? I cant remember) and instantly blames lag because hes fucking delusional as well

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                                                So what i should take from this is people in dota get really touchy about their ability

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                                                  Eh, just don't take things too personally. Its just a game. Make realistic expectations of yourself, achieve them, then reset your goals. The most toxicity comes from those without real expectations, or who think they are so much better than they are.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    tbh i think activating an account here in dotabuff was a wrong move. people here are all about MMR and being ns hs or vhs or some shit. we're being divided by classes here, and its bad cuz many people have accepted that they are "just" ns and take solace in the fact that they are just bad at the game, and cant improve. also it's like racism cuz if you try to help someone but you're ns you're instantly wrong, even though your opinion does hold some truth, but if it's missing one thing then you're wrong and you should quit the game. idk why higher mmr players don't just say that "oops you forgot something" or "that doesn't work like that" or "it'll be more efficient if you do this" and stuff like that, instead they have to mention your 1-2k mmr and even say 4ks are still dogshit then just leave the thread having jacked off to their display of dominance and superiority. like be realistic we're noobs trying to get help why u gotta be savage.

                                                    although it is true most ns prolly have dunning-krueger, and thus act like illiterate apes who've only learned the words "end" "pls" "fucking" "noob" "teammates", specifically in that order, i'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to every ns. that's a fallacy, what's true for the part is not true for the whole, it's just that those baby rage MoM FV Deso BH builders are the ones that get noticed, because they make the most noise. nobody notices that one ns guy pinging the clock once roshan dies, because ns people dont even know why he pinged it. dotabuff's law of the land is that whatever your opinion is or whatever you stand for, if you're ns you're wrong. i've seen too many roastings just because a guy has 1-2k mmr. it doesn't even make sense why that's a viable reason for roasting but shit happens.

                                                    if you've got money you can go to game leap maybe, i hear it's really good there lmao. true there are like 2-3 very helpful people reading and commenting from time to time in the forum, but you will mostly see shitposters and people hating either benao or triplesteal making arguments like the one you see above. don't get engrossed too much in being placed in a higher mmr, because that'll lead you to smurfing. whatever mmr you'll calibrate at i guarantee you will not be satisfied and decide to smurf. just take it as it is and try to find a legit coach, maybe you can find one in dotabuff but you shouldn't stay at the site. toxicity level is just too damn high.

                                                    personally i stay because there are threads that are really about the game, but it happens once in a while so i check when i'm bored of 9gag and youtube. one more reason is the dotabuff match review. tbh though dotabuff match review and the new dota 2's post game summary are equally relevant however, dotabuff does have the advantage of being able to be opened on a mobile phone. but let's be real dota 2's in game summary is more showy and has some features that can only be seen in dotabuff if you're upgraded to plus, which is pricey.

                                                    do whatever floats your goat, but if floating your goat involves stepping on other people, float your boat instead. never let ns hs vhs define you, if you are in ns know that gaben wanted you to play the game on a high difficulty level.


                                                      Talking about learning dota the Most obvious is mid so you can learn a lot by yourself then its carry then support and the last solo offlane.

                                                      There are so many guides on YouTube i dont think You need a coach.


                                                        i can coach u some wisp meepo add me

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!