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General DiscussionPro players and mmr topic

Pro players and mmr topic in General Discussion

    Can anyone confirm that black is 8K? Sometime back he was like low 6k and I thought to myself, isn't this guy like some hyped up pro player? Back in 2015 I saw him play in some tournaments and he was getting respect. Then I watched his stream and he was doing some noob shit. How a pro player is only 6k??? And he didn't seem
    To be carrying the games like an 8k. It would be good to know he is 8k now and mmr matters.

    Next point: is dendi still 6k? How is someone constantly called one of the best mids not 8k if he can't outplay 6ks in mid?


      some players just hide their profiles. other play in leagues as opposed to ranked i think as well?


        There is a reason Black has been kicked from every team he's ever joined after a few months.


          What's the reason. I did read on reddit that he managed to get 8k. So he is not a bad player.

          Salza r u saying players like dendi are 8k but they just need to grind, but can't be bothered to grind cuz he plays leagues more? I can accept that explanation. But he does play pubs still. And shouldn't he easily climb to at least 7k?


            Lots of players could be 8k if they grinded more. Here are the reasons I can currently think of:

            - Leagues
            - Doing more stacks as opposed to solo matchmaking
            - Practicing heroes (less intent on purposely picking the perfect hero to win)
            - Hidden profile


            Dendi had 6.8k at one point I think
            Black had 7.9k last time I saw, but leaderboards say he's 7,856 currently.

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                Solo queue pub dota and professional dota are miles apart. Yes, solo MMR may be an indication of individual skill, it is however, not the only factor affecting ur success at the TI or professional matches. U just have to watch Dendi's matches to know he's a great player, whatever his mmr is. And I'm saying this despite being an Alliance fan, so no bias

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                  But his dotabuff says SOLO MMR 6028 PARTY MMR 6205


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                      Dotabuff only updates rating when you show it on your profile. If you look at leaderboards Black has 7800 or something.


                        dendis a real ass in his pubs as is general ditya ras not amazing to have on ur team either sonneikos good and idk about artstyle.

                        dendis not a good pub player at all because literally all of navi babysit him and make sure he has the 100% ideal start and that enables him to be super reckless which he cant be in pubs so he does a ton of dumb stuff. i dont think he takes matchmaking seriously and to be fair why should he.

                        general walks down mid in a shit ton of his games and pretty much every player on eu thats 7k hates him from what ive heard though i had him in 2 games and he pwned in both


                          if you're a pro player mmr hardly means shit, if ur on a tier 1 team ur a better player than anyone whos 7k and not on a tier 1 team and probably a lot of 8ks as well. competitive dotas insanely different from pub matches and much harder to understand/perform well in.

                          theres 7000 mmr players i know who should be 5k and as a result they cant even win battle cups because the only ppl that want to team with them are 5ks because theyre objectively fucking terrible players who have no clue how to play dota with other people. past a certain point i think mmr means jack shit, the reason most pro players are min. 7k is because its not hard if you're a pro player and you try to get to that mmr cuz ur just so much better at reading the game than pub players are.

                          if ur not a pro player then mmrs the only thing you have that means anything but it doesnt mean that much.

                          as for black im sure hes a good player individually (ive heard good things about him from some friends who are playing with him at that german redbull lan, forget the name, plus hes not a stupid guy and he played on tier 1 teams before so i cant imagine him being bad, otherwise how would he get in). i think the problem with him is that he doesnt care as much now i think and he hasnt put in a lot of effort into becoming the carry player that you have to be now which is super active and versatile. you look at the top 3 at TI and its fear/resolution/shadow, all who played a ton of diff. styles of play (reso played afk farm naga to splitpush/pickoff slark to chaos knight to razor, fear played pretty normal heroes in a super aggressive do-shit way, shadows jsut insane). playing carry isnt just about sitting in a lane and farming anymore, imo its more the position 2 of ti3 time where youre the guy expected to do shit around the map, be it tping to the offlane to smoke to the enemy safelane 6 minutes in or w/e. idk if hes got that kind of instinct and the tier of game knowledge/game sense/ability to maximize heroes potential in weird ways like those guys do.

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                            Ok KR. I understand people always separate pubs from competitive. But exactly how different is it that u cannot adapt one way of playing to another. I mean from what I see most pro players have really high mmr. So there's a correlation. U yourself are familiar with competitive and pub. While they are different, u should not be be godlike in one and tota shit in the other am I right?

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                              pro players r really really fucking good at dota. way more so than any of ur 7ks or most of ur 8ks. mechanically theyre basically all on the same tier from ur OG.miracles to ur TNC players. these guys r the best of the best for a reason and theyre insanely good at what they do. somehow redditors think mechanical skill -> mmr when its actually totally bullshit, u just have to understand how to play dota, but pubs are so much slower paced and less thought provoking than comp that its not hard to win pubs at all if u r a pro player and u try. i could go into this more but i believe its pretty easy to see that pubs are significantly easier and simpler to win in than comp.

                              the best analogy i have for this is with driving, when you learn driving, it seems going 30 mph is really fast and then you go on the highway and its at 65 mph and eventually ur chill with it and crank it up to 80 no sweat. then when you look back at 30 after going at 65 for a while everything seems super slow. thats kinda how going from comp to pubs is imo. nothing happens fast at all, everythings telegraphed, decisions are easy to make and so on.

                              so if ur good at comp, ur good at pubs (if u try), if ur good at pubs and ur not a pro player u proly have a lot of learning to do ebfore u play in comp.


                                so do you think that trying some shitty "competetive" dota anywhere below 6k or so makes any sense, or is it just the waste of time
                                i've tried this thing a few times but honestly i couln't see the difference between those games and my solo ranked pubs

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                                  below 6k i wouldnt call that competitive dota at all honestly

                                  even battlecup isnt really competitive

                                  i've been playing small competitions with the same mid 6k stack for pretty long and we still got destroyed when we faced ex-ti players in semifinals of TI open qualifiers

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                                    yea that's why ive used the quotation marks
                                    it's like hurr durr we're a team but noone knows whats going on either way

                                    Moon Moon

                                      You can see pros MMR at their liquipedia page.
                                      Dendi 6643 (10. august 2016)
                                      Black^ 7856 (18. august 2016)


                                        yeah. so it should be really easy for dendi to win his pubs since he has been pro for so long.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I don't the pros care or try to raise their mmr. Just think about how many games it takes to go from 6k to 8k. You need +80 wins. Even if you are spectacular and win 75% of your matches you need 160 games played to gain 2k mmr. That's a lot of hours of dota. Pros probably too busy scrimmaging and training and doing rl stuff.

                                          I've never watch black play but as a commentator he doesn't strike me as a great player. He's obsessed with anti mage, thinks he's amazing every game, and you can see his hero bias in every comment he makes. Seems a little one dimensional.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!