General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long have the "Records" been broken?

How long have the "Records" been broken? in General Discussion

    I just played a game that had 12.1k hero healing done and thought I might as well check my record and my current record is 11.9k.

    This is broken or severely lagging, even though the steam API is working again.

    I guess I'll post the links to my record page/game.

    I don't browse these forums much, so excuse me if I missed the subject as I didn't see it on the past few pages.

    Edit: Minor text fixes.

    This topic was edited

      Im sorry we dont care


        Hero healing stat corrected by Truesight (old: 5831)

        im not sure but maybe it takes the 5.8k heal instead? i suppose that normal stats doesn't count hp regen from mek/greaves aura (just like winter wyvern embrace) and truesight does it

        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!