General Discussion

General Discussionunderlord theorycrafting :)

underlord theorycrafting :) in General Discussion

    hi guys i just want to share my thoughts with you and know your opinions about the soon released hero underlord/pit lord
    i am wondering what position should he be played and about the itemization


    position 1 - No, he doesnt seems require that farm and his BAT is no that great , he doesn't seems to carry that well

    position 2 - may be as he has can clear and control waves with Q and E and strong cs with E (kinda of sf like) and his ultimate would be useful for trade towers then fall back and he would have really good AA damage with enough momentum

    position 3 offlane - i think it is dangerous for offlaner to push waves away with E side effect as he dont have good escape and may zoned hard vs aggressive tri lane

    position 3 jungler ??- will it work with max Q and E , iron talon and some stacks ??

    itemization: Midas ?? - tread/phase into armlet and blink seems good may be echo or SnY then heart shiva may be


    position 4 - i think he may be a decent support with max Q-W 4-4-0-1 build (good setup for ganks aoe damage and potentially game-breaking ultimate).

    position 5 - may be he is too level dependent to be low-level ward bitch with brown boot.

    itemization: tranq/mana boot int midalion?? or meka then force glimmer

    i will be glad if some of you guys have patient to read my text wall and want to share some theory-crafting .


      Probably will be played most as Pos.4 . Tranq might be good on him , maybe even a force staff later on . Aether Lens could be useful. Other than that , his item build probably should be similar to Elder Titan . Pipe , Shiva , etc . Could even be a mek carrier . Man this guy is freaking versatile . Just hope they don't nerf him to hell .

      Pale Mannie

        Furion + Underlord with refresher

        Furion TP's to top rax, Underlord TP's the rest. If enemy team TP's back, Underlord refreshes and TP's everyone to the bottom creeps while Furion TP's back to top again and rats. Rest in pieces rest of the team gg report Furion no teamfight only rat.


          His best best shot is probablly mid

          cann't carry
          cann't offlane / wood.
          cann't gank at all nor zone people / help a lane.
          cann't zone people / help a lane.

          He isn't great as a wood, but well, almost every single heroes can get lvl 4 by 4 minutes in the wood, but what's important is what you are doing of that xp, and he cann't bring anything usefull to his team with that (contrary to a balanar, or a very fast 6 beastmaster) even ds has more ganking potential than pitlord, while also having MUCH MUCH bigger teamfight impact.

          The only way he is played as #4 is if for some reason opponent has a super greedy lineup, and the 2nd support of your team can zone alone. his pit of malice can root through bkb, which is awesome against greedy lineup (assuming you didn't prefered to take an almost as greedy lineup that can punish opponent's in mid game).

          Imo he is a middle heroes, that accompagny a greedy lineup (like bristle offlane or somthing similar), or a middle accompagnied by a very pushy lineup (and some summone) so you can use his tp to bring down the rat without using tp, and without showing you are tping. his spells are really a huge deal mid game when you try to fight inside of them

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