General Discussion

General DiscussionMid morph

Mid morph in General Discussion

    Like any tips on it? What heroes he good against in mid generally. I've been following kamikaze build going ethereal and then travels but i just generally want to improve. I get really low last hits cause i just want to keep getting kills and I waste a lot of time if i dont but then if i dont try to get kills i feel like I wasted my time trying to rush an ethereal. I know im not really making any sense but basically would want to know what to do during mid game with morph after bot+ ethereal and any gameplay tips regarding this hero would also mean a ton :). Sorry for making you guys read this wall of text


      this guy is fucking awful, he plays against awfuls stop following and watch someone whos decent actually. Also what's the point of rushing eblade? u get it while ur W isn't even maxed anyway and you have a lot of mana problems.

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        I think e blade lets me be a little more aggressive when my team gets in a bad fight which most of the time proved to be very beneficial. Like i have really low mmr and it is pretty common that i see my teammate dying a lot during the laning stage so i just feel pressured to rush a damage item or else if i make a linkin we might just lose cause i won't be able to dish out any damage :3


          Again I'm like a noob infront of you so ill listen to whatever advice you give me


            do w/e you feel comfortable winning the game thats the only tip u will imrove with time and ur builds will change.


              I generally like to go linkens first item on morph because he needs that mana regen early. you could also just get perserverence and then go e-blade if you're worried about damage.


                Rushing linkens or battlefury for the regeneration it provides will almost always be the wrong reason to buy the item in my opinion. You get Linkens to avoid strong single target disables, and Battlefury when you're a melee hero that farms neutrals a lot. If you needed regeneration you'd buy a Bloodstone or Octarine Core, or just a Perseverence and hold onto that until later.

                I kind of like the idea of going dragon lance into desolator on this hero, even if it sounds really stupid, that's a LOT of physical damage.


                  dragon lance is good but skadi > deso. morph wants stats so he can full agi morph and not get 1 shot


                    I just got cancer from reading this


                      desolator on a hero that is generally not rightclicking people untill min50, when this item becomes useless, is a bad idea.


                        what if you get diffusal on him if you're not going eblade
                        is it retarded

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                          im just a shitty 3k scrub so going kamikaze build works wonders for me. Only if they've got tanky shit and ik I wont get away with rushing ebl;ade ill go treads>aquila>linkens

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                          Final Boss

                            kamikaze build isnt as bad as people claim, its actually amazing for calibration. A friend of mine started playing with his build and he has about 90% winrate with the hero out of 232 games. He even got 5.4k mmr from international ranked.
                            This hero is imba right now unless you have a good clinkz/od its nearly impossible to win vs a good morph.


                              Well the idea is that you get desolator, and then you rightclick people. I know, complex, wild stuff.


                                Do you realize this hero's whole concept revolves around stacking stat items? Do you understand that your adaptive strike scales off the amount of agility you have? Have you ever played this hero in the last year at a level that isn't completely awful?

                                Get a diffusal blade+lance if you want to play some meme build where you rush right click items, honestly people need to use their brain before they come up with item builds.

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                                  I really like the the idea that I should make a perseverance for mana regen but the reason for travels was to continously go to fountain and back to lane.


                                    Unless you're tinker you don't get travels so that you can go back to fountain, you get travels so that you can farm more of the map and split push.

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