General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch analysis of Ember Spirit

Match analysis of Ember Spirit in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    So I've been trying to get better at ember, and pretty much failed at it. But my last match i feel like i did pretty good. My team created tons of space for me to farm. I had 491 last hits by the end of the game. HAD a rapier wich i lost at the end of the game. Did i have a bad item choice against their lineup?
    I tried to split push constantly and show up in fights as much as i could later in the game.

    I'd appreciate it if some ("pro") player took a look at my game and tell me what mistakes i made? I know this is asking much. But i'd appreciate it. Or is it just the fact that PA counters Ember too much?

    Also what are your thoughts about Ember this patch? I feel he's too weak right now to be really viable. But i might just suck xD

    Match ID: 2578974999

    Thanks in advance.


      why do you have 3 deso's

      Dark Hunter

        Actually i got no idea... I really didnt pay attention to that... Thats quite a big mistake o-o


          carry nyx and silencer.. eblade weaver.. thats explain all

          stupid fuck 2000

            i got cancer. Deso is shit unless youre pushing base at 20 minutes, bkb was worthless, they had what? 2 stuns? one of which you can dodge with SoF. You needed mkb, blink and a skadi to kite the PA and Tiny instead of rapier, deso, bkb. There's also the fact that you're probably really bad at the hero and you need lots of practice. (i mean you managed to get destroyed at 900 mmr lol)

            TL;DR: play wraith king or something idk

            This comment was edited

              You rack disciprine. True disciprine come from within.


                900 mmr? Damn son. Hope u r not that low still after so many games? Ember is not a good hero at that rating. PA is best hero at that rating. At that rating u could win without joining a single fight by split pushing and pulling their heroes all around the map. U just gotta work on that where u can get out safely without dying

                registered flex offender

                  Your hero damage was verrry low

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!