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General DiscussionI need help to climb mmr

I need help to climb mmr in General Discussion

    I feel as if I have hit a wall. I calibrated into my mmr when I was alot younger than I am today but no matter what I try I can't seem to get better. I am about to start hardcore spamming but are there any ways I can actually improve my skills and mmr quickly and efficiently without wasting hours upon hours just playing games.


      Watch this. See that you play storm rather often too, im sure it'll be helpful

      His storm game was legendarily informative, both in terms of managing and exploring game sense and also optimizing farm efficiency.
      Not only that he was even saying what the other team should have done to counter his moves, and they just didn't play it that way and he punished them for it.

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        i calibrated my mmr last year and it was 2.2 ... and last 3 months or so i reached 2.8 but eventually dropped down back to 2.5 .... i feel like im not even improving


          I've been playing dota since early 2013 and only started taking it seriouly about one year ago.
          During the Next six month i played ranked (around 1.8k)
          And in january i reached 2k.
          I wasnt really improving.
          What i then did is That i focused on one hero, lone druid. I had no idea how to Play him. I looked up simple guides That didnt helped. Then i found bulldogs guide, really in complex guide. I played many games and after maybe two month i knew eveything about the hero, Farm, micro, timings with items, when and what to buy.
          I trained only i unranked so There would no pressure, and i still lost nearly all my druid games.
          After That i started playing ranked again destroying everybody with maybe 80% wr on ld and even other heroes. I went up to 2.7k.
          I then brought my party from 1.6k to 3k. Then ld got nerfed and the Meta changes made him less relevent. Playing him was painful even though i was winning. With the batlle pass i started playing unranked again. Playing every single position, trying to Play safe, focusing only on my plays if i lose a teamfight, a Game, its my bad. During the past 2 month i started playing exclusivly mid as i usually do poorly as carry or support.
          Trying to outplay the mid gank the other lanes but Most importantly stay alive and find Farm. In those 2 month i started winning so many games. My unranked went from normal to vhs. I tried to Play ranked at 2.7k and even though it feels unplayable i win everything.

          Tl:dr Focus on one hero, learn everything about him and develop the only thing You Will lack, general Game sens.
          Focus on yourself, not saying You shoudnt help your team. Dont care about the flaming commit for your plays and if these dont work it will be easier to see your mistakes. If You lose a game it is all on you. Try to think ahead and outplay your opponent. Train in unranked and have fun.


            Go Ppay unranked until you can play close to all Heros (except maybe meepo, lone druid or smthg.)
            Then go play ranked again and pick what your team needs and what is good vs your oponent (aa vs slark, alch, Morph, bs) and dont mind playing support.


              I'd say there are 2 different skill groups in which you can vastly improve.

              1. Look at your game mechanics. Do you check the minimap often? Can you avoid ganks? Do you know when to farm and when to involve yourself in fights? If your team leaves to make space for you to farm, are you farming well, as well as splitpushing? Are you aware of the enemy's Slark in that safelane? Does he have a shadowblade? Do you know when to build "x" item? Do you know how to dispel silences? Can you adapt?

              That kind of stuff is pretty important.

              2. Do you know your hero? I'd say you need to have 5-10 heroes you can play very well (for your MMR at least). Do you know what your abilities do, as well as the cooldown's, mana cost? Do you know what items to build for your hero, and the mechanics of those? Do you know the timing for your items, and if you "miss" one, whether or not it becomes irrelevant to the game?

              Ask yourself these questions. Look up guides for game mechanics, and if you understand the concept of the hero, you can look at Dotabuff's Hero Guide's for good timing on items and what to level.

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                @JOVI I've made a list of heroes I would like to spam. Any suggestions on who? And what guide do I follow? A purge video? I found that his storm videos helped me climb mmr very effectively about a year ago.
                Just give me some tips or suggestions would be awesome.
                Here they are
                And most likely to spam is Storm


                  Mirana is strong as of now


                    Legion, Slark, Riki, Timbersaw and Phoenix are all pretty easy wins.

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                      My opinion is that These heroes are all very bad to climb mmr actually.
                      You dont want eithet carry or support. Invoker is really good to control a Game obviously go for exort. I guess void is good but i cant tell you cause i dont know shit about him.
                      I think offlaner and especially mid are the best suited to raise your mmr because everytime you outplay somebody There it as Much more impact.


                        watch pro gameplay, i recommend onlybrothers
                        pay attention to what they doing through the whole game, and also dont involve ur current emotion in the game (lol) but seriously this is the worst simple thing you need to avoid.
                        i've been doing this since 2 months ago and i think it really helps me to climb from 2.3 until where i am right now 3020mmr
                        and by the way you dont need to spam heroes to climb mmr, spamming just wont take you anywhere

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                          @7chngmad, what makes you think they are bad at climbing MMR? All of them are play making heroes that very few Normal Skill player's know how to counter. Or they are just stupid strong right clickers that again, Normal Skill player's don't know how to counter.
                          I listed all offlaner's and mids. Riki as a roaming support though.

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                            From what happend the with me i can tell u. I made this account like 2 years ago and got calibrated at 2.7k mmr. Last year i felt that i am outplaying any lane i get in but i still lose because mu dickheads team mates (typical 2k gaming kappa) so i decided to make a new account and i actully got calibrated at 3.6k mmr this time. So i played with it like 2 months and i decided to come back to this account. And i got my mmr up too quickly and now im 4k
                            Yea i went from 2.7k to 4k in like one and half month


                              Just put yourself a goal and work towards it, get good at it then get a new goal, etc


                                I think this is the first positive thing I've seen benao post


                                  go f*ck yourself



                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!