General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Clinkz the best hero to stomp normal skill?

Is Clinkz the best hero to stomp normal skill? in General Discussion

    You can basically take down all towers by yourself if you win your lane, lul.


      Your best hero is the best hero to stomp normal skill

      Pale Mannie

        you cant lose the lane as clinkz when you spam your 10 mana per shot to harass and zone out


          ^^Nah, not all heroes can get mega creeps alone in 5-10 minutes. If you are playing Nyx/Zeus/Riki or other heroes that are poor pushers, you will not be able to win even if you win your lanes if your team is dogshit.

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            maybe you'd be able to win if you yourself were less dogshit¿


              Well I'm about to spam clinkz, gonna see how it goes. If I start losing then I suppose I'm really dogshit. OFC you can play AM, Alch, SF, heroes like that, I just like Clinkz myself as he can come online pretty soon and is a strong laner.

              By dogshit I mean feeding or rage-quit, etc.

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                Sven can take down all towers, all heroes, doesn't need to win his lane to do that and he doesn't even take skill to play.

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                  Pale Mannie

                    sven doesn't even take skill to play



                      Let me give u some tips on clinx if u want them

                      In lane ring of basilus is good to spam arrows,

                      Don't fucking go orchid for the love of god UNLESS you know there's like an AM or Queen and u absolutely have to silence them, other wise, go for Soul Ring > Treads > Deso > Daedelus / Crystalys > BKB > Manta / Diffusial

                      The popular build is Treads > soul ring > medallion > ring of aquila , then into what i said, so u have tons of mana and shit,

                      both builds are good , but u need good judgement of the match, sometimes butterfly is good, just use good judgement but realize the deso / daedelus is highest dmg output, in middle of team fight u pop out of no where and melt EVERYONE lol

                      YOU NEED A BKB or you can die EASY even if you are ahead in GOLD , soul ring lets u roam map since u can use soul ring then take a creep, if u absolutely feel like u need more regen bottle is fine .


                        Thanks for the tips, I currently do aquila->soul ring->treads->dragon lance->deso/diffusal/bkb->lategame stuff myself.

                        Just ratted ancient after manfighting the defending tinker, while enemy was pushing our HG (easier than it sounds, purge his ghost form and bkb XD), clinkz pushing ability so good in NS.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          maybe cus no one builds detection in normal.


                            Well, they do build detection. Early smokes all the time, but still, just don't overextend until have diffusal and/or gem/wards and you don't die... Raindrops/STR Treads/Dragon Lance + Death Pact is enough to survive even without relying on skeleton walk.

                            I lost already though, because 1/16 oracle insisted on mid (yes oracle solo mid) and forced me to offlane ......... And clinkz is really bad solo offlane imo when your enemy can keep creeps from pushing.

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                              According to winrates, Omni is the best


                                Nah, clinkz is actually not very good. Sure he has insane pushing power, but honestly he is so easy to kill -- you are MUCH better off with Slark or any other carry that can SOLO CARRY. Clinkz can't really "Do it all," though yes he IS strong. But would I pick him in low mmr if I really wanted to climb (I'm 4k)? Nope..

                                The best hero for normal skill is arguably Slark. I can consistently get 20 - 30 kills in normal skill with slark because of how bad they are at positioning, etc. Slark can fight early and late and often, no teammate help required, this makes heroes like clinkz or sven worse because slark can really do it all by himself vs baddies.


                                  According to my winrates, Playmaking heroes are the best to play. They require and highly reward skill and game knowledge.


                                    If you're referring to heroes like void, I disagree. Heroes that require help from the team can make striving for a consistently high winrate nearly impossible. Not by too much obviously, but why pick void in 2k when you can pick, say, timber, and win more often?


                                      Clinkz is so broken at low mmr. You can go around and kill anyone you want and snowball out of control. You can take the tower once your finish, Buy Orchid since they wont often build to counter it and just die


                                        Best hero in 1k is AW. forgot about him


                                          Dude try QoP in 1k, just go treads dagon then eblade and shit.. so fucking ez


                                          QoP or slark are my fav super stomp heroes for 1k.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            actually i hardly ever play clinkz but i thought the worst part was being slow and not able to chase people until you have skadi or diffusal or something. He's pretty slow with treads since every melee goes like phase and yasha now, they just kite you around trees.

                                            Preap Sovath

                                              Lol Sir.Swirl, I just lose Alchemist 1k stomp with 1k+ gpm. Which he mid but I'm off.

                                              How do I prevent Alchefat?


                                                Slark is the best for normal skill

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  ^^Go straight into his face to zone him out and dont let him go near you a kilometer away

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                                                    Get good with lone druid and especially prophet.


                                                      Basically the hero you're good with, I hover over your clinks games and I CAN TELL YOU CAN'T PLAY HIM WELL.. try to make 3 heroes pool. (1 carry(your best carry hero) (2. Offlaner(your best offlane hero and 3( support( your best support hero). gulf.


                                                        You dont buy necrobooks on Arc warden @Yohannesburg

                                                        Father Jack from Marketing

                                                          Slark. All day. I think he needs nerfing - Specifically his out of vision regen rate. Hes so OP with that.

                                                          Preap Sovath


                                                            Why ? How about BKB and Blademail ?

                                                            Of course, I like to buy E.Blade and Dagon since his GPM not good at 6.86.


                                                              Best heroes in normal skill HANDS DOWN are wraith king, Ursa , and spectre.


                                                                cant u do that with am, morph or any other split pushing carry? + they are a lot better late game

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                                                                  i think clinkz is not that good cz u are heavily punished when you are out of position, and cant afford making mistakes urself.


                                                                    if you are boosting then sure it offers a pretty good package:
                                                                    good laning, good tower damage, good solo kill, decent late game scaling
                                                                    however if you just aspire to raise mmr using heroes good in your mmr, then clinkz is one of the worst heroes to do so. it is very inefficient to use properly if you are low skill, u can look at his winrates yourself


                                                                      Slark doesn't need to be nerfed. It's easy to shut him down, delay his farm, team up and don't be out of position. Recognize what his item timings will be, and prepare for his shadow blade initiation with a teammate, have a sentry ready. Low MMR players do none of this, but it doesn't make him OP. Look at Slark's 5K+ winrate.

                                                                      When I pick slark even in low 4K, I often go against a cancerous dual lane like necro and undying, while they have a sven farming away. There is not much you can do vs a proper draft. Low mmr players don't draft this well or are prepared so they think he's OP, they'll for example pick rubick, jugg, earthshaker, invoker, mirana, and trilane top and let slark free farm and by the time it's 12 minutes I have my shadow blade and the game is over.

                                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                                        detections+Slow/Stun = you ded


                                                                          Thru the forum we always see players saying slark is op, im NS and have around 130 games on him as i try hard him as every hero and i gonna say, he is really nice ganker, you can killing heroes if you know how to play him but he is not a hard carry, thats the most important for me now, he is like 1km away from for example sven potential or medusa, am, etc....they can win 1vs9, slark can but not vs every lineup and if you wanna climb as carry safelane you should pick harder than clinkz or slark....


                                                                            >and if you wanna climb as carry safelane you should pick harder than clinkz or slark....

                                                                            Slark can carry games hard. Much better than a hero like spectre in 2k.


                                                                              slark isn't op but he most certainly is a hard carry and a fed slark can be really devastating in fights. Slark and clinkz are a different type of carry. They shine in games where they can find pickoffs and use hit and run tactics. Sven dusa and am all have much more impact in a full on team fight. Slark of the heroes named though is probably the easiest to excecute.

                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                Yeah, Clinkz rapes 2K.

                                                                                Don't listen to that Pippo guy above, Slark is definitely a hard carry.

                                                                                Medusa can't " 1 v 9 " like he's claiming, she's very team dependent, she's a TEAM FIGHT CARRY (apparently he didn't get the memo) and also dependent on the enemy being stupid enough to just let her farm all game. Meanwhile Slark is better than her early game (due to pounce created some kill opportunities, and shadow dance making a good slark player VERY hard to kill once reached) AND ESPECIALLY mid game, and holds up pretty well against her late game.

                                                                                Medusa is great at team fighting when 6 slotted sure, but you'd be surprised how well a 6 slot Slark can hold his own against her, she's not AMAZING at 1v1's, especially if he has enough stacks of essence shift.

                                                                                His essence shift in a way is cancer for her, it's like a mana drain.

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                                                                                  Clinkz only good at <100 mmr

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