General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa with no lifesteal ever?

Ursa with no lifesteal ever? in General Discussion

    For the past 2 patches I've been trying this build and I like it a lot.

    I think I'll just keep doing this build unless they ever buff MoM's movespeed


      Theoretically if you rush vanguard it gives you enough HP regen to do sort of fine, without Rosh of course. For Roshan you do need lifesteal which is why Vlads are pretty good on him.


        You don't need lifesteal for solo rosh. You just won't have full HP when you finish


          i guess you prayed to rngesus so hard that roshan missed every single attack on you at minute 8


            This build can easily solo it as soon as it's not too obvious. No RNG involved. Try in a lobby if you actually don't believe it


              we're not gonna stop you from building it, but what i request is that you test your build's legitimacy yourself.

              i want you to instapick ursa for the next 20 games, then make that build.


                the cool thing about early rosh with ursa is that you can immediately rotate to mid and start to kill. I guess you're kinda forced to back off or to get a salve after rosh

                sin blyadi

                  normal all pick? is this some kind of rofl?


                    My ursa trademark will ez 3 hit ur ursa OP😛


                      I can boast to you ,our skill build and item build doesn't have same level. I can get almost 900xpm on ursa lmao😷



                        How bout these games OP :-) see the difference gpm/xpm/kda and importantly SKILL bracket.


                          Several players at ti didn't bought lifesteal.
                          Lifesteal doesnt help you when your stuned, lifesteal doesnt make you kill faster.


                            Pro tournaments is 5man team with good collaboration. Don't compare it to pub solo games. It was different playstyle and gameplay. At pro tournaments,mostly support buy the Vladimir Putin for their carry.


                              Garbage build you just got lucky.
                              Remember kids sange/yasha HoD/blademail/vlads are essential on ursa

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                                My ursa is retarded enough that i even build force staff as an alternate to blink dagger


                                  @ IEATASS NORMAL SKILL THINGS.


                                    ^you can stop stroking your virtual dick online now. Self-praising, failed smurf.


                                      ^low 3k barking😂


                                        think its fine if u start safe lane


                                          Btw i did not fail 😂 I got no single normal skill game,got few high skill games ( stack with low 3k dude like you)😷

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                                            >did not fail

                                            >44% winrate


                                              Oh winrate at unranked games😂


                                                No worry son, ill play serious once in ranked😂 . winrate doesn't affect calibration kiddo.


                                                  Oh 49% winrate in ranked games. How sad you'll be back to 3k flat sooner son.


                                                    Did I mention you needed to smurf to get to VHS? probably doesn't play or own any other Steam game, fucking gaming peasant lul. And please, if I were serious in ranked party I wouldn't be sub 49% winrate, but smurfing(all in all) tells a whole lot EleGiggle see you in low 3k, failed smurf.

                                                    Ps. people who call themselves smart are often the ones who are most mentally challenged. I guess the same could be said for those who carelessly abuse the word "pro" to describe themselves while walking around with a 44% winrate 4head


                                                      Haha flamed 3k😂


                                                        Don't worry I'll show you my mmr sooner kiddo😂


                                                          And I guess that's not your first account too. Smurf flaming a buddy smurf😂


                                                            Dota is free game to play. Anyone can smurf but not all can hit vhs with no normal skill game solo que


                                                              FYI ez to rekt and grind mmr on your level.


                                                                Out of 8 high skill games i only defeated once. Hmmm. That game mmr even higher than yoir solo mmr kid. How about all my vhs games😂


                                                                  Oh the kid sob. Sad barking low skill gamer


                                                                    Oh you have 20% winrate in vhs games. How sad to know😂


                                                                      Out of 795 matches you managed to hit 30 vhs skill bracket (20% winrate) oh no. Criticism makes idiots. Learn to know everything before barking .


                                                                        I almost forgot, your English gave me headache😂

                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                          ^m9 just edit your post

                                                                          i cant finish rosh without lifesteal, one time i got bashed to death by rosh over 15 times, it was a lvl 5 rosh that i saw on youtube

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                                                                            Haha, hes post was normal skill game. At high level games taking roshan is tough and the best technique is to take down roshan as fast as you can. I usually rosh after my Vladimir Putin and pt. Ez and sure rs, when enemy about to gank my rs , i already taken down roshan.

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                                                                              That positive attitude player isn't me mate😂


                                                                                Try Ursa with Wards, Tango, TP, Smoke and Dust. EZ win. Trust me.

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