General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your funniest taunt when public chat to enemy?

What's your funniest taunt when public chat to enemy? in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    For me when Mirana dies, I type "Star, take me" to her.

    and enemy Pudge when fail kill "Hahaha, F(r/l)esh meat!".

    Lowkey, Mysterious, Person

      Ask them i they are (insert pro player name) when they fail and/or do something good




          OP are you 5?


            When I'm an invisible hero/ have an invisible item as a support and they bring dust finally. "Hurray dust! See youre learning". Best when it's a cm with glimmer cape.


              I always call pudge a fat fuck



                Preap Sovath


                  You made my day

                  When I have Pudge as teammates or enemy and has dominated.

                  Enemy : Pudge Fat
                  My Team : Pudge is already fat, even has no kill.



                    Many people actually actually use question mark every timerhry do well which makes no sens. It should only be used for a disastrous gank/teamfight initiated by the other team.


                      None. I don't want to provoke karma.


                        I don't say a thing, my teammates have all the trash talking covered. SEA server best server.


                          When my enemy killed because got detected by blue ward, i type "blue ward is the deadliest weapon, better than dagon"


                            Just type "ez" after every kill, teamfight won, juke and you will have them tilted in no time. 11/10 would type "ez" again.


                              Thats really stupid, i see people go ham went i type ez after me getting destroyed to make a joke. The go like "u r shit you got carried dkdkejdjsb" sensitives people, one day they Will learn about the LUL.


                                Ogre Magi - It's all ogre now
                                Witch Doctor - The doctor shall see you now

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Every time shit happens in both teams


                                    When Pudge can't hook, I'm like "PPPPPPPUUUUUUDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"
                                    Also when I run away after surviving Sven+LC gank as Slardar, I type "Suck it bitches"


                                      i tell them "i hope ur mother dies because of cancer"


                                        Just type ?. For every fail play. Or just lol. Seems to tilt enemies pretty well. The key is to not be affected when they question mark u back when they get a kill.

                                        Dota is 50% psychological warfare my friends. If u saw my word cloud in yasp u might think I'm toxic. But I'm very positive to my team and toxic to the enemy. Works all the time.



                                          i always be careful tilting them, cause chances are you'll get matched with that guy you tilted and he'll feed for your team

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                                            ^ don't think that happens very often. It did happen once where a retard I played with was matched in the other team. Oh did I enjoy winning that game.

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!