General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter 30+ games of High Skill and shitty performances I'm back to 2k.

After 30+ games of High Skill and shitty performances I'm back to 2k. in General Discussion
high skill 450 gpm average

    You know, being realistic, yes I fed, that is my problem I feed a bit more than I should, but in the games that I didn't I got peruvian shitstains feeding and losing unloosable lanes, etc.

    The game is not fair.

    How am I supposed to improve?

    There is no way to improve in this shit game when you have peruvians in every game refusing to communicate, throwing games, feeding and picking a support and taking farm.

    How do you even fucking climb out of your bracket without picking Slark?

    How is this fucking game fair?

    I don't want to pick Slark. But if I don't pick it, the nemy picks it, that's if its not fucking banned.

    Or if tahts not it, its Riki, or BH, or fucking Alchemist.

    Fucking inbalanced spic filled piece of trash game.

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      Mother Russia



          35%, complaining about team. Feelsgoodman.


            slark is not hard to deal with


              for slark go kunkka , slark cant debuff kunkas x mark. You can go for alch too. Ofcourse play kunka as offlane and switch to carry or play like suport.

              stupid fuck 2000



                  Jesus christ, people still post shit like this? If you aint good, you aint gunna be good, so GIT GUD! Or, be like me and be content to be 4k.


                    I do understand this post so far, im 2k but there is nothing more op than slark, alch, any invis (couse you always only 1 care dust) even this we all know that mmr works, the only thing how to climb up is spam those heroes or spam your strongest heroes, im same as you i dont want play slark every game even i think its my best hero also he is very universal....its kind of sad thing for me but its dota....if anyone ask me what would be best climb up low mmr heroes i would say:those easiest carrys as slark, pa, ursa, when you know alch he is just super imba there...also good to say on low mmr you not able to climb up as support....thats why we can call mmr system broken, not good, not, fair, but who cares about 2k

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                      what is it liek in 2k?


                        In my last 2 games what could I have done to win? In the first one I got some kills early and then tried to push the advantage too far. Don't know what I could have done to make up for the rest of the teams feeding.

                        Game 2 started great with me getting a 15 minute battle fury. After that clinkz got a lot of kills in other lanes and got fed forcing me out of the jungle. Maybe I should have got blur first but idk, tell me what I did wrong.


                          I saw your stats and those are terrible for high bracket. I play lots and lots of support. And sometimes carry too. But 60% support at least. My games says VHS and High skill. If I would play all hard carry it would say VHS no doubt. Its not about winning or losing, its about contribution to the team. You simple have to do better. That means feed less and do more damage and help with the killing.


                            how would you improve mmr?

                            high skill 450 gpm average

                              My stats were trash definetly but honestly I assure you that if you check those games, I have pretty good farm byu the 20 minute farm and havent fed but got kills instead. But after that 20 minute mark is when the fights are happening and none of those games I had teammates that knew how to deal with them. They didn't knew when you can push or didn't recognized when we had an advatage.

                              If you see my very last Shadow Fiend game I had a triple kill by the 12 minute mark I was 5-0, we had a massive advantage, but my team were being picked off because of stupidity. They refused to fight even though we had better teamfight and we had an advantage, then the enemy team sees this and they just push yolo it an dkill us because my team was scared.

                              It was unbelievable, they basically threw an untrowable game


                              this is the graph of the game I'm talking about.

                              It's fucking absurd.

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                                damn the tripple kill?

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!