General Discussion

General DiscussionMEEPO!

MEEPO! in General Discussion

    Meepo viable for 1st pick? (normal skill) any tips? suggestions? playstyle? skill order? i need help. thanks~

    Giff me Wingman

      I guess i would be one of the experts here.

      Meepo is a fun hero if you love microskills and a challenge, but he is situational and pretty horrible. He is not first pick material at all and you need to spend a lot of time to master a hero that is not even that effective. If you plan on learning meepo because you think he is fun, then i can give you some insight, but if you're looking for an mmr boosting hero, meepo is NOT the choice, then it's better you learn timber, tinker, TA or invoker.


        You cant first pick meepo dude, but if you want first pick go with mekans and any survivability build for meepo and rush aghanim dont clash until you get agha with blink dagger and always came late in war. im not expert meepo. Im just hate first pick meepo feed

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          when to buy dragon lance and when? because when i play meepo, as soon as i have aghs and dag, ill start killing ppl here and there. and i usually buy hex or e blade meka depends on the situation

          edit : btw, i usually play meepo in mid. as soon as i get lv 3, i use the other meepo to stack jungle camps and when i have lv 3 poof, ill start jungling until i get my BoT. am i doing right?

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          Giff me Wingman

            If the enemy has some burstdamage, dragonlance helps a lot. It is also a comeback item. If you have freefarm and are doing good, you can skip dragonlance to get eblade, diffblade, manta or sheepstick.

            meepo can be played mid or safelane. Some even play meepo as pos 3 and 4, which can also work.

            If you do mid you should make sure that you dominate the lane. You can use ur meepos to bottlecrow like mad and deny every single rune. Meepo is actually a rather strong laner, due to the ability to constantly refill bottle, provided you have tps. Stacking jungle is no that good since 6.84, you should focus on dominating your midlane instead of farming. If you however get ganked heavily then you can try and stack, but once you hit higher MMR, everytime you try and stack it will get contested by a roamer or even AOE clearing core, so i wouldn't want to do it.


              A carry should be never picked first..

              Giff me Wingman

                You clearly lack basic drafting, no wonder you're 3k. Carries usually get picked very early or first, since they don't give you an insight into the strat. There are few exceptions where you can't firstpick a carry, that would be something like meepo or ember.


                  Indeed, but if you pick a carry very early, the chances to get punished by counterpick are higher. Since the carry is the one who's supposed to have the biggest impact on the game once he obtains a proper amount of money...

                  Well, most of the teams don't care about counter and sinergy pick, they just spam OP heroes randomly, so you are right, but in theory I think the picking order should folow the positioning system in reverse (from pos 5 to pos 1).

                  "No wonder you are 3k".. .what do you mean? xD Looks like an insult. :P

                  I play (played) this game just for fun, I don't care about my score. xD

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                  Giff me Wingman

                    It depends on how you look at it. it can be an insult but you should look at it as "stating the obvious"

                    At the end, carry is something you always pick early or first, because the only way to counter a carry is to shut him down. If you secure farm for the carry while shutting enemy carry down, game is won, no matter what you picked and who makes the early game? Exacly, the supports.

                    Picking supports first over cores is usually autoloss in a higher bracket.

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                      Spotted shit meepo advice
                      Checked profile
                      Normal skill lulululululul

                      Giff me Wingman

                        You forgot the broken english part.


                          I'm perplexed...

                          Maybe that's why I am 3k haha xD

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Why are you confused? What doesn't make sense?


                              just won a game. went 1-4 on laning stage against tiny ang earthshaker. i first picked him btw. but i stacked jungle and i got bot at min.12 kinda slow but my farm boosted eventually rofl

                              Giff me Wingman

                                Normal timings on core items:
                                5-6min BoT, 11-13min Aghs, 14-15min blink.

                                Try to get that done when you play meepo and have a decent lane.


                                  I think everything you said is true, but if for example you pick the carry as first hero, in theory, isn't the other team supposed to pick heroes who counters him (and making him useless through early, middle and late game)?
                                  For example, let's assume the A team first pick Wraith King. Shouldn't the other team pick heroes like Lion, PL and Riki, for example? Isn't it a disadvantage for the team where there was the wk first pick?


                                    How do you deal with a lich counterpick?


                                      Pipe I think . Idk im not a meepo player :|

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        No, because WK can still build octarine core or BKB. Firstpicking WK is no biggie.

                                        Lich is not a problem. With microskills and BoT even lategame lich is not an issue.


                                          you can deal with every counter except timber, sven, ww and warlock imo


                                            Yeah, but... Octarine Core on Wraith King? xD

                                            Meh, oh well, yeah, if I have 3k there must be a reason. xD

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              You can deal with sven and warlock. Timber and WW however are real pain in the asses. Lucky for meepo players wyvern is overall a pretty shitty hero atm.

                                              I've seen WK players who get octarine core with radiance against PL and AM. Works just fine.

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                                                Okay, okay. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. :]


                                                  its so hard to deal early-mid with tiny as mid and earthshaker as roaming support. tiny always get my stacks thats why my BoT was delayed. and they have sven too but as soon as i bought pipe, i began killing them with ease.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Exacly the reason why i said don't stack. Tiny should get destroyed by you tbh.


                                                      A very god difference between skill brackets are the last hits. For example King said "4-5 min bot" "11-12 min agha" and I'm like... wow xD

                                                      M u r d e r

                                                        well, it's pretty basic. don't miss a single lasthit while also jungling when opporunity.


                                                          yeah, but it requires lot of practice and.. skill. :D For example I find it very difficult to do with drow (before 6), medusa and sniperino, for example.

                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                            Hope I run into you in pubs and you first pick meepo. :D

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