General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero should I try to get better at?

What hero should I try to get better at? in General Discussion
Tresdin Aznable

    Considering I play probably over 89% of my games as legion. I'd really like to try something different and actually find another hero that I won't just succ and feed on.

    stupid fuck 2000

      Just try a bunch of heroes and see what you like. Timbersaw is a hero i'm starting to love because it's both strong and very fun to play. However, if you're rly good on a hero it doesn't matter if it's meta or not, you can make it work.

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        try ursa, you can play it almost like legion... you go jungle (or safe lane when it's available), farm fast vlads and blink, you get aegis and then you wreck ppl... I think that jungle ursa has like 55%+ wr in 2-3k

        ASSESS Product

          Go MoM instead


            go into practise mode / vs bots.
            pick the hero u want to learn
            get used to castpoints and attackanimation
            watch a guide on youtube, figure out best skillbuild and itembuild
            go into unranked matchmaking and fuck scrubs
            go into ranked matchmaking and get 51 % winrate.


              stop spamming jungle legion. u will not learn how early ganking works, how roaming works, how to be effective as a support, how to dominate your lane as a mid or carry. pick any hero u think is good and play it in its playstyle.

              carrys you should control well are:
              TB jugger sven Naix Luna Spectre troll PL Void PA

              midlaners in your repertoir should be
              Invoker Puck QoP Krobelus DK Ember Windrunner TA

              Learn Beastmaster wood, very similar to your beloved LC but more support and utility focussed. learn how to impact the game when you are not scaling into scary dmg dealer lategame yourself.
              learn tidehunter wood as a variant for more teamfight. when you have carry and dmg dealer mid u dont need another single target melee hero. better get someone that can SET your allys UP so they can deal their damage.

              Most supports (like WD, venge, shaman etc) play rather similar. try out that role too

              Roaming 3 / 4 position heros are the taste of the last 6 months so learn some of those aswell. i suggest
              Earth Spirit, Spirit Breaker, Riki, Gondar, Shaker

              GL with your dota.

              P.S.: with jungle legion you can maybe win alot in low tier but it gets harder as u go up. you put your teammates and such a big disadvantage till minute 10 where u gank 1st with dagger, its frequently not worth it. they will have bad game, bad mood because of you.


                statement like this one above always reminds me that doto in 2-3k and 1k mmr higher are different games with only same graphics and heroes...

                Tresdin Aznable

                  How come yous guys think I afk jungle as lc? Lol I always take her mid, or safelane. I like to get my level 6 as quick as possiable and then I gank lanes Building really early duel damage.

                  I think I will try getting better at beast master or even Chen. Beast master always looks cool doing his thing and I like chen for the micro management

                  I've been practicing invoker every so often I usaully do Quas wex voker for team fights

                  But thanks for the input : D I think I will try to support life


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