General Discussion

General DiscussionThey need to remove runes from game for first 10 minutes and only ha...

They need to remove runes from game for first 10 minutes and only have bounty runes. in General Discussion

    Trash players just pick up DD rune at 2 mins and 2 shot someone. Trash players get haste runes and gank someone with no way for them to escape.

    There is just too much variance in this fucking game. I am sick of this garbage game. They put shit in the game that makes the game over in5 minutes sometimes, and punish you for leaving the game because of it.

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        Honestly, why not just have bounty runes for the first 10 minutes or so, there is no reason to have these massive powerups this early i the game. "Rune control" fuck that shit. Thats retarded as fuck. Also, some heroes benefit way too much from certain runes early in the game. Like weaver, with DD. There is no way to escape a gank from a weaver with DD. He has 2 auto attacks in one and invisibility. He can just run up to you in 2 seconds and literally 2 shot you. Or pudge with a haste rune. He can just run at you from across the map and kill you with his rot.

        I literally just watched a pub game where a weaver got two DD runes 6 minutes into the game and got 4 kills because of it. He wasnt even a good player.

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          says the smurf.....




              what does it matter if im a smurf, any fucking 2k trash can pick up a dd rune with weaver and two shot someone. they might as well just give everyon 1000 starting damage so we can all just run into eachother and see who can auto attack faster and all play sniper


                ITS RIGGED! SCAMAZ!


                  git gud


                    git gud you noop




                        I have never gotten any kills with haste or dd rune.


                          Without variance this game would become standardized shit where people go through the same moves every game. Take away the element of randomness and all you're left with is a boring game, learn to deal with rune power ups; it's just as "broken" for you as it is for them.

                          Plus tower hugging is good way to save your own life, who knows a team mate may even be carrying a TP; perhaps you just ask him to use it and you may turn a rune abusing gank into a counter-gank and gain the kill advantage.

                          In other words, git gud m8




                              I know the game needs variance, and like I said I was watching a game where this happened and I was like... wow that was actually bullshit. It was a random 6k pub game. Dude literally ran through him doing the shakuchi damage, then attacked him once with the passive and once with a regular auto attack then killed him. and then killed his laning partner in 2 shouts who had 2/3 hp under tower. It reminded me of all the times I have had bullshit runes at 2 mins destroy my entire game.

                              Its not fair to have a game be over in 6 minutes because someone got 2 DD runes. In a game that is meant to go on for 20+ minutes normally. There is enough variance just from the 100 hero pool alone. They might as well make it so the map rains fireballs randomly at certain times and blows people up if it hits them.

                              Its just not necessary for the gameplay to be fun/balanced. They don't need to have this kind of bullshit. This is like twisted metal/marikart shit.

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                                woe be to us plebs if the best dota player in the world thinks that one unlucky rune spawn = lost game


                                  Not today troll, n o t t o d a y


                                    two lucky rune spawns* and the game was in fact over, two people rage quit because of it.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Even though his subjects and ideas are complete bullshit, he does have good sentence construction and coherent exposition for his arguments. Rather interesting to read I might add. Keep it up buddy.


                                        how about a new rune that randomly kills one hero


                                          Place wards


                                            high skill- lost match
                                            high skill- lost match
                                            high skill-abandoned
                                            high skill-abandoned

                                            M u r d e r

                                              That's why you ward runes and the moment enemy activates DD you share that info with teammates and gank the target or just avoid him. Ez.

                                              M u r d e r

                                                Also why just early game? You don't think min35 6slot lv25 Sven with Ulti Daedalus and DD rune with Dazzle in team is broken as fuck?

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                                                  yea but at least at that part of the game if you die they can push the rax in like aminute and end your misery. and honestly, later in the game i think its a bit less broken because how map control works. early game you know pretty much where everyone is in the game. and as far as rune wards, yes you can ward the runes but its not standard to ward the runes. most people warding camps/lanes because rune wards dont really help with laning phase in most cases. in general the best place to ward is in jungle of safelane or the mid lane or the lanes to see for TP ganks

                                                  sin blyadi

                                                    Play lol

                                                    M u r d e r

                                                      I guess people should consider warding the runes/river jungle entrances if playing against heroes that benefit way too much from certain runes early in the game.

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                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        Bounty rune broken because Alch exists, remove Greevil's Greed 2ez2farm even for shit players


                                                          even if the rune was warded that means if you saw him grab it you need everyone on that side of the map to hug the tower? completely unfair either way you look at it. i mean, if you had stuns and dust on hand and the rune warded and you executed a good engagement you would be able to do something about it maybe. but with good micro weaver could still just dumpster you.

                                                          @ГАВ man LoL is the worst game that exists. its probably even more rigged than dota because its even easier. like its autopilot game, dont even worry about lane position cause you just push the creeps pretty much nomadder what. LoL denying creeps = pushing them into tower noob style. plus the whole game looks like it was designed by jagex


                                                            Bounty rune broken because Alch exists, remove Greevil's Greed 2ez2farm even for shit players its not broken because alch isnt that strong early and is gankable. even with +300 gold and hes easy to zone from the runes. weaver you need dust, and stuns and good initiation positioning to kill early.


                                                              ward rune. problem solved

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!