General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports buff pls...

Supports buff pls... in General Discussion

    Every single day...always pick/ban Slark, Anti-Mage, Invoker, Timbersaw, Necrophos, Bloodseeker, Riki, Phantom Assassin etc...I want to wish that the next patch will be the supports advantage to prevent boredom of the players...especially agressive players...😕😕😕


      i thought we play support oriented patches for the last couple of years or so

      M u r d e r

        isn't Riki most commonly played as a support-ish type of hero? You kinda invalidate your own point.


          Supports have received nothing but buffs, both direct and indirect, for almost 10 patches in a row now.

          The only exceptions are those favored by pros.


            I think op is trying to say that carries have way bigger impact than supports..

            I dont rly agree tho..

            Disruptor, Omni, Elder Titan, Abaddon, Phenoix, Lich, Tide, Venge

            These heroes can have huge impact..

            omg i fucking hate playing against PUGNA.

            I love playing support when im not highes mmr in my team

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              I always Bann elder


                supports received nothing but buffs like 10 patches straight

                Pale Mannie

                  we get it, you cant carry and want to carry as a support for realz


                    The problem is that supports are supports. You need to understand that. They are weak and fragile and need proper positioning. The counterpart is that with proper positioning and timing the impact can be huge.

                    You can't expect a solo support alone in the woods (KappaPride) to survive against a sb slark. first of all a support should stay with the team and never alone... oh here we go again..
                    anyway, you get it. :D

                    Tresdin Aznable

                      Lets buff supports until they are just carrys right?


                        Supports get less ressources of the team by definition. that naturally limits the amount of impact u can have. doesnt mean supp cant carry game (i manage transitionon from supp silencer quite frequently). but means supp isnt known to dominate / take over game.
                        Still some strong supports are being banned in all pick quite frequently. riki, gondar and AA top that chart following my expirience.

                        People ban slark invoker etc. cause they are afraid of their steamroll potential, they get all the resources they need to take over the game. soloexp and full farm wherever they claim. so many people remember some game(s) where enemy invoker got huge and it felt unwinnable and he just shit on them. so they ban voker / slark / tb / w.e
                        Supps dont need more buffs but more options playstyle wise. the playstyle of zoning the enemy offlaner is almost dead due to all the buffs to offlaners. how do u trade hits with 5 armor 5 passiv regen timber? or 6 armor 3 regen NS? or 2 armor 4 regen Nyx?
                        How do u effectivly pull when offlane can just leech exp from dying junglecreeps / use nuke to even steal lasthit?
                        No wonder u cant run harder carrys anymore. being supp in a defensive duallane while not getting 1-2 kills on the offlaner in 1st 10 minute just feels like huge waste of time. never get your 6 at minute 10. always need tome. better go smokegank mid / pick dedicated ganker. so i hope to see some change to the metagame that makes offlaners more zoneable and allowes for a more pulling&zoning kinda playstyle. would also make many carry play happy to actually be supported in lane and freefarm properly.

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                          So cheaper wards, the combining of sentries and wards, making tps cheaper, allowing supports to buy one ward at a time instead of 2, adding in an INT spell modifier, all this stuff isn't enough? lol

                          TPs went from 100 gp to 50 and supports still don't tp often enough..

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!