General Discussion

General Discussionis abaddon being able to have an uncancellable dagger because of apho...

is abaddon being able to have an uncancellable dagger because of aphotic shield and borrowed time intended? in General Discussion

    he could literally make a perfect initiator with a shivas. no fear of dying + a guaranteed disengage.

    doc joferlyn simp

      Even if he did have a guaranteed disengage, with a smart enemy he'll just get stunned/hexed/banished before he can actually do shit.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        is too short (minimum is 6 characters)




            If he gets stunned/hexed/banished he may as well have done his job as the initiator/tank. Opens leeway for your cores to engage without fear of retaliation. You have a puck .5 at the cost of pos4 farm, which is a pretty good bargain if you ask me.

            Mao Xina

              how can a position4 abbadon farm dagger and shiva in early-mid game?
              u dont make any sense here?
              he is a hero with no original iniation skill and no reliable farming potential like other modified position 4 heroes like doom or beastmaster.


                Abaddons spells get more useless as the game progresses.

                He is strongest in early / mid game.

                Yeah he can go late but he would need a lot of farm,

                With earlygame items he is very scary,

                Mek/urn/vlads/drums/phase boots/arcane situaitionally

                He needs to fight early cause he can keep himself and his teamates alive, and once u win those early fights, ur chances of winning increase .

                Abadon doesnt need blink,

                He benefits ALOT w. Other spending 2250 on blink can slow down ur momentum.

                This comment was edited

                  blink in



                    ^hope your opponents panic and pour all their nukes on you while your team snipes them, or if it was a bad engage you could just pop ult and disengage.

                    I know it makes no sense. It doesn't make sense to me much either... Yet. Let me spam a few more abaddons and present you results regardless if successful or not


                      As for the playstyle I have in mind, I find him most comfortable as a safelane support that pulls hard jungle or orb-walks(I couldn't think of a more updated term) the enemy offlane with high chance of a kill. Item priorities are orb of venom, movespeed and sustain. If I play carry abaddon I'd usually go phase orb perseverance into battlefury, but for a pos4 abaddon I'm thinking tranq, euls and dagger. Why dagger? Assuming you maxed curse of avernus and have an orb of venom, you effectively slowed down a target and your team can follow up. If it was a bad dive, no prob. You could either pop ult or euls then blink away. Shivas is more like a mid-late game lux depending on your kill participation.

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